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Dialog Alert/Dialog Discovery User Guide

Viewing search results

The results of a search will be displayed in a search results screen (see following example).

On the left of this screen, you will see a set of modified search parameters and feedback about the number of documents found:

Underneath this, the documents found as a result of the search are presented as a list of items which are relevant to a query (you will see this list if you scroll down).

By default, this list will be sorted by relevance, so the items which correspond best to your query will be at the top of the list.

See the following illustration for an example of this:

Relevance rating

Beside each item in the list, you may see some small pictures (the ones supplied as standard are 'weather' pictures). These indicate the relevance score on a scale from 0 to 10. Therefore, if the item found is 100% relevant, you will see a picture of (for example) a bright sun. If the item found is not very relevant, you will see a picture of (for example) a storm cloud:


The pictures you see here depend on how your system administrator has configured the system; you may see a different set of symbols here, or a percentage rating.

Clustering (dynamic categorization)

If your system administrator has switched on the clustering feature, all documents shown in the results screen will be identified as belonging to groupings (they have the same relevant words). To show the various groupings, Dialog Alert/Dialog Discovery displays an icon alongside each document. Shown below are some examples of clustering icons:

This should make it easier for you to quickly identify similar documents. Documents not included in a cluster are tagged with another type of icon (example shown below):

The cluster icons are displayed next to each document shown in the results list (example below):

If you click on any of these cluster icons, a clustered results screen will be displayed. This screen contains a list of all documents that belong to the same cluster type.

File types

The file type of each item that appears in the results list is distinguished by the use of small icons. These are displayed alongside each item:

Adobe Acrobat document
HTML document
Informix database
Lotus Domino
MS Excel spreadsheet
MS Powerpoint presentation
MS Word document
Oracle database
PLS database
RTF document
SQLServer database

The following buttons will only appear after you have conducted a search.

To see the next page of items, or to go back to a previous page of items, click on the previous button or the next button (examples below):


If the search produces more than one page full of items, a list of page number graphics will be displayed at the bottom of the screen (examples below):

For example, if numbers 1 to 3 are displayed, this means that three pages of items have been found. You can click any of these page numbers to show that page of document items. The button corresponding to the page you are currently on will appear in a lighter colour to the other buttons.

Only a small number of items will be displayed at once, depending on the number of items per page that has been set (typically, this will be 10 items). You can set the number of items displayed on the page, by going to the options screen (click on the options button).

In the options screen, Select a number of items found, with the number of results displayed per page selection list.