Options screen
This screen contains your current options; you can use it to set new options.
Full name
Use this text box to change the full name by which you are known in the system.
Use this text box to change the default e-mail address to which your personal alerts will be sent.
Alerts enabled
Use this drop-down selection list to specify whether or not you wish alerts to be sent to you when new items are received which match one of your profiles.
The number of results displayed per page
Use this drop-down selection list to specify how many items you wish to be displayed on each page of a hit list, or in an e-mail alert.
Note: If you click on the change password button, the view will change to display the following
Your old password
Type in your current password.
Your new password
Type in your new password.
Your new password again
Type in the new password a second time for confirmation.
Note: The passwords you type in will be hidden, and should be shown on the screen as a set of asterisks.
Update button
Click on this button to confirm your settings/changes in settings.