Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament


Consideration of Bill: 8 March 2011                     



European Union Bill, continued



In paragraph 4, in the Table, for the entries relating to the proceedings


required (so far as not previously concluded) to be brought to a conclusion on


the fifth day there shall be substituted the following:



Time for conclusion


Clauses 15 to 17, Schedule 2, new

The moment of interruption on the


Clauses relating to Part 2, new

fifth day.


Schedules relating to Part 2,


Clauses 19 to 22, remaining new


Clauses, remaining new Schedules,


remaining proceedings in




Any proceedings on consideration.

Two hours before the moment of


interruption on the sixth day.


Proceedings on Third Reading.

Two hours after the commencement


of proceedings on Third Reading or


at the moment of interruption on the


sixth day, whichever is earlier.’.


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Revised 8 March 2011