Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Wednesday 16 February 2011


Public Bill Committee


Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill




Justine Greening


To move, That the Bill be considered in the following order, namely: Clauses 1 to 9;


Schedule 1; Clauses 10 to 20; Schedule 2; Clauses 21 and 22; Schedule 3; Clauses 23 to


26; Schedules 4 and 5; Clause 27; Schedule 6; Clauses 28 to 31; new Clauses; new


Schedules; remaining proceedings on the Bill.



Justine Greening


That, subject to the discretion of the Chair, any written evidence received by the


Committee shall be reported to the House for publication.




© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 17 February 2011