SCHEDULE 14 continued
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10 (1) This paragraph applies where—
(a) an Academy order has effect in respect of—
(i) a voluntary school,
(ii) 25a foundation school, or
(iii) a foundation special school, and
(b) the school is to be converted into an Academy.
The Secretary of State may make one or more of the directions
listed in sub-paragraph (3) in respect of publicly funded land
30which is held for the purposes of the school by—
(a) the governing body of the school,
(b) the foundation body of the school, or
(c) the trustees of the school.
(3) The directions are—
35that the land or any part of the land be transferred to such
local authority as the Secretary of State may specify,
subject to the payment by that authority of such sum by
way of consideration (if any) as the Secretary of State
determines to be appropriate;
40that the governing body, the foundation body or the
trustees, as the case may be, pay, either to the Secretary of
State or to such local authority as the Secretary of State may
specify, the whole or any part of the value, as at the date of
the direction, of the whole or any part of the land;