Session 2010 - 12
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament






Wednesday 13 July 2011




on Consideration of Lords Amendments


Fixed-term Parliaments Bill


On Consideration of Lords Amendments to the Fixed-term Parliaments Bill


Lords Amendment No. 1


The Deputy Prime Minister                                                                                

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly Disagreed to.



Lords Amendment No. 2


The Deputy Prime Minister                                                                                

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly Disagreed to.



Lords Amendments 3 to 5 Agreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 6


As Amendments to the Lords Amendment:—


Mr William Cash


Not selected  (a)


Line  5,  leave out from ‘(2)’ to end of line 9.


Proceedings on Consideration of Lords Amendments: 13 July 2011 



Fixed-term Parliaments Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Not selected  (b)


Line  14,  leave out from ‘(4)’ to end of line 17.


Mr William Cash


Not selected  (c)


Line  17,  leave out lines 20 and 21.



Lords Amendments 6 to 8 Agreed to.


Lords Amendment No. 9


The Deputy Prime Minister                                                                                

Agreed to


To move, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment.


Lords Amendment accordingly Disagreed to.




© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 14 July 2011