Welfare Reform Bill (HC Bill 197)

(f) developing a business plan;

(g) any action prescribed for the purpose in subsection (1).

6D Work search requirement

(1) 25In this Part a “work search requirement” is a requirement that a

claimant take—

(a) all reasonable action, and

(b) any particular action specified by the Secretary of State,

for the purpose of obtaining paid work (or more paid work or better-

30paid work).

(2) The Secretary of State may under subsection (1)(b) specify the time to

be devoted to any particular action.

(3) Action which may be specified under subsection (1)(b) includes in


(a) 35carrying out work searches;

(b) making applications;

(c) creating and maintaining an online profile;

(d) registering with an employment agency;

(e) seeking references;

(f) 40any other action prescribed for the purpose in subsection (1).

(4) Regulations may impose limitations on a work search requirement by

reference to the work to which it relates; and the Secretary of State may

in any particular case specify further such limitations on such a


(5) 45A limitation under subsection (4) may in particular be by reference to—