Session 2010 - 12
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Thursday 14 July 2011


For other Amendment(s) see the following page(s):


Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill Committee 13-24


Public Bill Committee


Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of


Offenders Bill


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  1,  page  1,  line  6,  at end insert ‘for the purposes of promoting access to


justice and equality of arms.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



In carrying out his functions under this Act the Lord Chancellor shall—



protect and promote the pubic interest;



support the constitutional principle of the rule of law;



seek to improve access to justice;



seek to increase social mobility, diversity and the flow of new entrants


into the legal profession.



The Lord Chancellor must each year lay a report before Parliament explaining


how he has carried out his functions under section 1(6).



The Lord Chancellor must each year lay a report before Parliament describing in


his opinion the extent to which any changes he has made to the amount of


expenditure on civil legal aid has caused additional costs to other departments of





Before submitting the report to Parliament under section 1(8) the Lord Chancellor


shall submit the report to the Comptroller and Auditor General for approval.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  3,  page  2,  line  31,  at beginning insert—



In carrying out the Lord Chancellor’s functions under this Part, the Lord


Chancellor must have regard to the need to ensure that legally aided advice and


Notices of Amendments: 14 July 2011                     



Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill continued


representation is of comparable quality to non-legally aided advice and




Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  3,  page  2,  line  31,  leave out ‘may’ and insert ‘must’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  3,  page  3,  line  3,  leave out subsection (5) and insert—



The Lord Chancellor in setting and monitoring standards under this Part must


have regard to the financial and administrative burden placed on the legal





The Lord Chancellor in setting and monitoring standards under this Part must


have regard to the long-term sustainability of the legal profession and the need


adequately to train and supervise new entrants to the profession.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  4,  page  3,  line  17,  at end insert—



make decisions independently of Government, and



make all decisions in accordance with the interests of justice.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end insert—



In carrying out all of his functions under this Part, the Lord Chancellor must have


regard to the need to promote access to justice and equality of arms.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  2,  page  2,  line  20,  at end insert—



Before making regulations relating to the payment of remuneration to barristers


and solicitors in accordance with subsection (3) the Lord Chancellor shall consult


the General Council of the Bar and the Law Society.



Where the Lord Chancellor makes regulations in accordance with subsection (3)


he shall have regard to the need to secure the provision of services of the


description to which the order relates by a sufficient number of competent


persons and bodies.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  3,  page  2,  line  33,  leave out ‘may’ and insert ‘must’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  4,  page  3,  line  12,  at end insert—



The Lord Chancellor shall ensure that the Director, or those providing assistance


to the Director in the performance of his functions under this Part, have


experience in or knowledge of—



the provision of criminal and civil legal services which can be funded


under this Part,


Notices of Amendments: 14 July 2011                     



Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill continued



the work of the courts,



social conditions, and






Every person who exercises any function in relation to the performance of the


Director’s functions under this Part shall have regard to the desirability of


exercising it so as to—



promote access to justice and equality of arms,



promote improvements in the range and quality of civil and criminal


services provided in accordance with this Part and in the ways in which


they are made accessible to those who need them, and



ensure that the services provided in relation to any matter are appropriate


having regard to its nature and importance.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  28,  after ‘Schedule 1’, insert ‘or fall within the category of


proceedings provided for at subsection (1A)’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  31,  at end insert—



Subject to section 10, civil legal services are to be available to an individual for


the purposes of challenging an act or omission of a public authority.



“public authority” has the same meaning as in section 6 of the Human Rights Act




Mr Andy Slaughter




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  27,  leave out subsection (1).


Mr Andy Slaughter




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  29,  leave out paragraph (b).


Mr Andy Slaughter




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  32,  after ‘omitting’, insert ‘or adding’.


Mr Andy Slaughter




Clause  8,  page  5,  line  32,  leave out subsection (2).


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that when an individual is in dispute with the


state or with a body that is an emanation of the state, in relation to a matter of


welfare benefits, employment, debt, housing, or immigration, education or


asylum support, that the individual shall continue to be entitled to legal advice,


assistance and representation against the state or emanation of the state on the


same basis existing prior to the enactment of this Act.’.


Notices of Amendments: 14 July 2011                     



Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill continued


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that in any case where the state or an emanation


of the state has legal advice, assistance or representation, a party in dispute with


the state or an emanation of the state, shall continue to be entitled in turn to


equality of arms and to legal aid for legal advice, assistance or representation in


relation to any claim in welfare benefits, employment, debt, housing, or


immigration, education or asylum support, as they would have been prior to the


enactment of this Act.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that any individual bringing an appeal on a


point of law or perversity to the Upper Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal,


the Social Security Commissioners, the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court


shall continue to be entitled to legal aid on the same basis as they would have been


prior to the enactment of this Act. No individual shall be left without access to


legal aid in appeal cases in such higher courts and Tribunals which would have


been in scope prior to the enactment of this Act and on the same basis existing


prior to the enactment of this Act.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that where an individual would experience


difficulty protecting their legal rights by reason of learning difficulties, mental


health problems, other disabilities, language difficulties, problems of literacy or


from not being articulate, in relation to welfare benefits, employment, debt,


housing, or immigration, education or asylum support, that they continue to be


entitled to legal aid on the same basis as they would have been prior to the


enactment of this Act.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that no areas of law within the scope of legal


aid prior to the enactment of this Act are removed from the scope of legal aid


unless and until a full independent assessment of the costs of removal has been


undertaken and presented to Parliament and in particular unless and until it has


been reasonably established that the removal from scope will not increase the




Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that a detailed strategic plan to fund the not for


profit legal advice sector is adequately prepared prior to any decisions being


made on changes to the scope of legal aid, to ensure that individuals are not left


without access to legal advice and representation in relation to problems of


welfare benefits, employment, debt, housing, or immigration, education or


asylum support.’.


Notices of Amendments: 14 July 2011                     



Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill continued


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure, before implementing any changes to legal aid


in this Act, that in no part of the country will the proposals result in advice deserts


where it is not reasonably practicable for any person to be able to access legal


advice and assistance in relation to welfare benefits, employment, debt, housing,


or immigration, education or asylum support.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that any individual wishing to access legal aid


through face to face provision shall be entitled so to do and shall not be compelled


to do so through a telephone gateway.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that before any proposals to provide legal aid


through a telephone gateway are progressed a full further public consultation


takes place on the specific details of such proposals and such proposals are fully


assessed for cost.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that if a telephone gateway is introduced


sufficient protection is in place to protect the rights of those who would have


problems accessing it by reason of learning difficulties, mental health problems,


language difficulties, problems of literacy, or from not being articulate.’.


Kate Green




Clause  1,  page  2,  line  7,  at end add—



The Lord Chancellor must ensure that before any changes to legal aid set out in


this Act are made, a full independent assessment is carried out into any likely


increase of litigants in person resulting from such changes and the effect


accordingly on the deficit.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Clause  2,  page  2,  line  29,  at end insert—



The Lord Chancellor may make funding availble on a discretionary basis for civil


legal advice on matters not covered in Schedule 1, where such advice


complements the civil legal services provided for under that schedule.’.


Yvonne Fovargue




Schedule  1,  page  110,  line  4,  at end insert—



where an individual’s financial difficulties could lead to loss of home.’.


Notices of Amendments: 14 July 2011                     



Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill continued


Yvonne Fovargue




Schedule  1,  page  116,  line  8,  leave out paragraph 15.


Yvonne Fovargue




Schedule  1,  page  115,  line  13,  at end insert—


‘Welfare benefit cases



Civil legal services provided in relation to any review or appeal concerning a


benefit, allowance, payment, credit or pension under—



the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992,



the Jobseeker’s Act 1995,



the State Pension Credit Act 2002,



the Tax Credits Act 2002,



the Welfare Reform Act 2007,



the Welfare Reform Act 2011, or



any other enactment relating to social security.’.


Kate Green




Schedule  1,  page  114,  line  30,  after ‘2010’, insert ‘or any European directive in


force relating to equality or discrimination.’.


Kate Green




Schedule  1,  page  115,  line  2,  at end insert—



Civil legal services in relation to—



employment law,



all areas of debt-related disputes not otherwise covered in this schedule, and



all areas of housing law not otherwise covered in this schedule.’.



© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 15 July 2011