Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament






Friday 30 November 2012


Report Stage Proceedings


Prisons (Property) Bill


Philip Davies


Not selected  1


Page  1,  line  9  [Clause  1],  leave out ‘or’ and insert ‘,’.


Philip Davies


Negatived on division  2


Page  1,  line  9  [Clause  1],  leave out ‘,’ and insert ‘or any other location that the


prisoner attends while in custody,’.


Philip Davies


Not called  3


Page  1,  line  16  [Clause  1],  after ‘prison’, insert ‘or prison officer’.


Philip Davies


Not called  4


Page  1,  line  23  [Clause  1],  at end insert—



for any unauthorised or unlawful purpose.’.



Philip Davies


Not called  5


Page  2,  line  9  [Clause  1],  at end insert ‘recycling it or donating it to any charity.’.


Philip Davies


Not called  6


Page  2,  line  12  [Clause  1],  leave out from ‘force’ to end of line 14 and insert ‘and


which is held by the prison on that date;’.


Philip Davies


Not called  7


Page  2,  line  15  [Clause  1],  leave out paragraph (b).


Philip Davies


Not called  8


Page  2,  line  17  [Clause  1],  leave out from second ‘article’ to end of line 20 and


Report Stage Proceedings: 30 November 2012              



Prisons (Property) Bill, continued


insert ‘covered by this Act if it had been in force at the time the items were seized.’.


Philip Davies


Not called  9


Page  2,  line  20  [Clause  1],  at end insert—



The power under subsection (1) shall not be exercisable in relation to anything


which might contain or constitute evidence of a criminal offence.’.


Bill read the third time, and passed.



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Revised 3 December 2012