Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Wednesday 11 July 2012


For other Amendment(s) see the following page(s):


House of Lords Reform Bill Committee 1-7




House of Lords Reform Bill


Vacancies created by Peers who die or resign during a Parliament


Mr Andrew Turner




To move the following Clause:—



The vacancies created by Peers who die or resign during a Parliament will be


filled according to the following criteria—



until the number of Peers in the House of Lords is reduced to 500, one


new Peer will be appointed in the place of every four Peers who have died


or resigned during a Parliament;



once the number of Peers in the House of Lords reaches 500 one new Peer


will be appointed in the place of each Peer who has died or resigned


during a Parliament;



the seats will be distributed in order of the percentage of votes cast in the


most recent General Election with the party or group which received the


most votes filling the first vacancy, the party which received the second


highest number of votes filling the second vacancy and so on until a


member has been chosen from each party or body;



the electorate who did not vote will be treated as a body for the purposes


of this section and will be entitled to fill a seat when their place in the list


is reached;



each party shall decide the basis on which it fills a seat to which it is


entitled; and



a Peer who fills a vacancy on behalf of the electorate who did not vote


will be chosen by the House of Lords Appointments Commission.’.


Mr Roger Godsiff




Title, leave out ‘Make provision about the membership of’ and insert ‘Abolish’.


Notices of Amendments: 11 July 2012                     



Committee, continued


Abolition of the House of Lords


Mr Roger Godsiff




To move the following Clause:—



The House of Lords is abolished.



Any requirement to consult or to obtain the agreement of the House of Lords is





The Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 are repealed.’.



© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 12 July 2012