Explanatory notes to the Bill, prepared by the Department for Communities and
Local Government, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the
Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs, the Department for Transport and the Department for Culture
Media and Sport are published separately as Bill 75—EN.
Secretary Eric Pickles has made the following statement under section 19(1)(a) of the
Human Rights Act 1998:
In my view the provisions of the
Growth and Infrastructure Bill
are compatible with
the Convention rights.
Promoting growth and facilitating provision of infrastructure, and related matters
1. Option to make planning application directly to Secretary of State
4. Limits on power to require information with planning applications
5. Modification or discharge of affordable housing requirements
7. Electronic communications code: the need to promote growth
11. Declarations negativing intention to dedicate way as highway
12. Registration of town or village green: statement by owner
13. Restrictions on right to register land as town or village green
14. Applications to amend registers: modification of power to provide for fees
Other infrastructure provisions
16. Conditions of licences under Gas Act 1986: payments to other licence-holders
18. Consents under Electricity Act 1989: deemed planning permission
19. Special parliamentary procedure in cases under the Planning Act 2008
20. Modifications of special parliamentary procedure in certain cases
21. Bringing business and commercial projects within Planning Act 2008 regime
Economic measures
General provisions