Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Wednesday 21 November 2012


Consideration of Bill


Small Charitable Donations Bill, As Amended


Nigel Mills




Page  2,  line  1  [Clause  1],  leave out ‘double’ and insert ‘triple’.


Member’s explanatory statement


To increase the maximum claim to triple the amount of gift aid claimed each year.


Nigel Mills




Page  14,  line  9  [Schedule  1],  after ‘currency’, insert ‘and any equivalent electronic


payment as may from time to time be prescribed by the Treasury by order.’.


Member’s explanatory statement


To future proof the Bill by enabling the Treasury to allow electronic payments to be treated as al­


lowable donations.



© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 22 November 2012