Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued



the child or young person is able to access mainstream courses and


qualifications within that institution;



all staff working at the school who may have contact with the child or


young person are aware of the needs of that child or young person;



all web-based content provided by it or on its behalf meets British


Standard 8878:2010; and



all students in attendance at the institution are able to play an active role


in school life.



The relevant authority should produce and publish a document explaining how it


meets its duties under this section.



The Secretary of State should, within one year of the commencement of this Act,


produce guidance for schools and post-16 institutions to assist them in fulfilling


their duties under this section.’.



Inclusion: apprenticeships


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Lisa Nandy


Not called  NC24


To move the following Clause:—



The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 is amended as





After section 12(2) insert new subsection—



The requirements specified should not adversely affect the participation


of young people with special educational needs or disabilities in


apprenticeship schemes, if they are able to perform at the prescribed


occupational standard required by the apprenticeship framework.”.’.



Children and young people temporarily unable to attend mainstream school


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Lisa Nandy


Withdrawn  NC25


To move the following Clause:—



This section applies where a child or young person of compulsory school age is


unable to attend school for a period of between one and twenty four months.



The local authority responsible for a child or young person for whom subsection


(1) applies must ensure that appropriate educational provision is available and


provided to the child or young person concerned, and that any identified health or


social care needs are provided for.



Regulations may specify acceptable reasons for which subsection (1) may apply,


including, but not limited to—



the placement of the child or young person in a certain school under


section 39 of this Act is the subject of dispute;


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued



the child or young person has been withdrawn from school while an EHC


Plan is being prepared;



the child or young person has been withdrawn from school as a result of


a diagnosed medical condition;



the child or young person has been withdrawn from school, whether by


the school, their parents or themselves, as a result of bullying or fear of





the child or young person has been withdrawn from school as a result of


a diagnosed mental condition or temporary mental instability, including


phobia or trauma.



In discharging their duties under this section, a local authority must—



consult with the child or young person and their family;



consult with the school at which the child or young person is currently


enrolled, or was last enrolled at;



consult with professionals from any other agency known to be in contact


with the child or young person and their family in relation to the reason


for which the child or young person concerned has been withdrawn from





continue to monitor the development of the child or young person





have regard to the age and prior educational outcomes of the child or


young person when determining provision, and



consider the suitability of internet-based educational provision.’.



Reporting on implementation of Part 3


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Lisa Nandy


Not called  NC26


To move the following Clause:—


‘Within the period of one year beginning with the commencement of this Part,


and every year thereafter, the Secretary of State must lay before Parliament a


report about the effect of this Part.’.



Access to therapeutic support


Annette Brooke


Not called  NC27


To move the following Clause:—



Where a child has been abused or harmed, or a child has been placed at risk of


abuse or harm, the local authority or clinical commissioning group has a duty to


provide health services, where appropriate.



In this section—


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued


“health services” includes, but is not limited to, therapeutic counselling and


other mental health services;


“local authority” has the meaning given by subsection 13(9);


“clinical commissioning group” has the meaning given by section 10 of the


Health and Social Care Act 2012.’.



Duty to promote the mental health and emotional wellbeing of looked after children


Annette Brooke


Not called  NC28


To move the following Clause:—


‘In section 22 of the Children Act 1989 [General duty of local authority in relation


to children looked after by them] after subsection (3A) insert the following new





The duty of a local authority under subsection (3)(a) to safeguard and


promote the welfare of a child looked after by them includes in particular


a duty to promote the child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.



A local authority in England must appoint at least one person for the


purposes of discharging the duties imposed by virtue of subsection (3B).



A person appointed by a local authority under subsection (3C) must be


an officer or the local authority, another local authority or a health body


in England”.’.



Maintaining a register of sight impaired and severely sight impaired children and young




Annette Brooke


Not called  NC29


To move the following Clause:—


‘A local authority in England must establish and maintain a register of sight


impaired and severely sight impaired children and young people who are


ordinarily resident in its area.’.




Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued


Duty to assess and meet young carers’ needs for care and support


Mr Robert Buckland


Annette Brooke


Lucy Powell


Withdrawn  NC30


To move the following Clause:—



Where it appears to a local authority that a child within their area may provide or


be about to provide care to an adult or a child who is disabled, the authority





assess whether the child has needs for support relating to their caring role


(or is likely to have such needs in the future), and



if the child is found to have such needs, set out what those needs are (or


are likely to be in the future).



Having carried out an assessment under subsection (1), a local authority must


meet those needs for support which it considers to be necessary to meet in order


to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare.



Having carried out an assessment under subsection (1), a local authority must also


consider whether the adult is or may be eligible for assessment under the Care and


Support Act 2013, and if so must ensure such an assessment is carried out unless


that adult objects.



Having carried out an assessment under subsection (1), a local authority must


consider whether, in the case of a child who is caring for a disabled child, the child


being cared for requires an assessment under the Children Act 1989 and if so shall


carry out that assessment unless the person with parental responsibility for that


child objects.



The Secretary of State shall issue guidance in relation to the duties set out above


having consulted with persons whom the Secretary of State considers to be


appropriate, the said guidance to be issued under section 7 of the Local Authority


Social Services Act 1970.



Any service provided by an authority in the exercise of functions conferred on


them under this section may be provided for the family or for any member of the


child’s family, and may include—



services to the adult the child is providing care for to meet the adult’s


needs for care and support; and



services to the adult to enhance their parenting capacity.



If such services are provided with a view to safeguarding and promoting the


child‘s welfare.’.



Inspection and review of local authorities in England


Mr Robert Buckland


Not called  NC31


To move the following Clause:—



Section 135 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 is amended as follows.



After section 135(1)(e), insert—



the functions conferred on the authority under Part 3 of the


Children and Families Act 2013.”.


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued



After section 136(4), insert—



The Chief Inspector must inspect the performance by an authority in


supporting children and young people with special educational needs.”.’.



Registration of births within children’s centres: pilot scheme


Andrea Leadsom


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Mr Frank Field


Not selected  NC32


To move the following Clause:—



The Secretary of State must, by regulations, establish a pilot scheme to trial the


registration of births within children’s centres.



The pilot scheme established under this section must name no less than six local


authorities in which the registration of births within children’s centres will be





The Secretary of State must make available funding for the pilot schemes


established under this section.



Pilot schemes established under this section should—



last not less than 12 months and not more than 24; and



be evaluated by an independent body.



The independent body evaluating the pilot schemes in accordance with paragraph


(4)(b) must present a report to the Secretary of State within three months of their


conclusion, assessing the effectiveness of the pilot schemes against criteria





cost effectiveness;



the levels of engagement with children’s centres by new parents;



an analysis of the changes in relationship between the children’s centres


and families; and



the change in health and developmental indicators within their catchment





Regulations under this section—



shall be made by statutory instrument, and



may not be made unless a draft has been laid before and approved by


resolution of each House of Parliament.



Before regulations under subsection (6) are laid before Parliament the Secretary


of State must consult—



local authorities and directors of children’s services;



organisations other than local authorities involved in the management of


children’s centres;



the Department for Health and health agencies, and



any other person or organisation he may deem appropriate.


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued



In this section “children’s centre” has the meaning given by section 5A(4)


(Arrangements for provision of children’s centres) of the Childcare Act 2006.’.



Registration of births to take place only at children’s centres


Andrea Leadsom


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Mr Robert Buckland


Not selected  NC33


To move the following Clause:—



The Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 is amended as follows.



After section 14A (re-registration after declaration of parentage) insert—



Registration of births to take place only at children’s centres


Information relating to the birth of every child born in England required


to be given under this Part, and any duty under this Part to sign the


register of births, may be given or fulfilled only at a children’s centre, as


defined in section 5A of the Childcare Act 2006 (arrangements for


provision of children’s centres).”.’.



Report of inspections of home-based child care settings


Andrea Leadsom


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Not called  NC34


To move the following Clause:—


‘In section 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 (report of inspections) in subsection (1)


after paragraph (c) insert—



how well home-based child care setting meet the attachment needs of


children under two,”.’.



Inclusive and accessible education, health and social care provision


Mr Robert Buckland


Not called  NC36


To move the following Clause:—


‘In exercising a function under Part 3 of this Act, a local authority and NHS


bodies in England must promote and secure inclusive and accessible education,


Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 25 April 2013          



Children and Families Bill, continued


health and social care provision to support children, young people and their





Constraints on Children’s Commissioner


Mr Steve Reed


Not called  NC37


To move the following Clause:—


‘In Schedule 1 to the Children Act 2004, in paragraph 1 (status) after sub-


paragraph (2) insert—



The Minister shall have due regard to the desirability of ensuring that the


Children’s Commissioner is under as few constraints as reasonably


possible in determining—



the Commissioner’s activities,



the Commissioners’s timetables, and



the Commissioner’s priorities.”.’.



Staff to child ratios: Ofsted-registered childminder settings


Mrs Sharon Hodgson


Lisa Nandy


Lucy Powell


Negatived on division  NC38


To move the following Clause:—



This section applies to Ofsted-registered childminder settings.



The ratio of staff to children under the age of eight must be no less than one to


six, where—



a maximum of three children may be young children;



a maximum of one child is under the age of one.



Any care provided by childminders for older children must not adversely affect


the care of children receiving early years provision.



If a childminder can demonstrate to parents, carers and inspectors, that the


individual needs of all the children are being met, then in addition to the ratio set


out in subsection (2), they may also care for—



babies who are siblings of the children referred to in subsection (2), or



their own baby.



If children aged between four and five years only attend the childminding setting


outside of normal school hours or the normal school term time, they may be cared


for at the same time as three other young children, provided that at no time does


the ratio of staff to children under the age of eight exceed one to six.



If a childminder employs an assistant or works with another childminder, each


childminder or assistant may care for the number of children permitted by the


ratios specified in subsections (2), (4) and (5).

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Revised 26 April 2013