Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Thursday 25 April 2013


Public Bill Committee Proceedings


Finance (No. 2) Bill


(Except Clauses 1, 3, 16, 183, 184 and 200 to 212; Schedules 3 and 41; any new Clauses, and


any new Schedules, first appearing on the Order Paper not later than Tuesday 16 April 2013


and relating to tax measures concerning housing; and any new Clauses, and any new


Schedules, relating to value added tax or the bank levy or air passenger duty or the


subject matter of Clauses 1 and 16 and Schedule 3 or the subject matter of Clause 3


or the subject matter of Clauses 203 to 212 and Schedule 41)


[Third and Fourth Sittings]


Nigel Mills


Negatived  1


Clause  4,  page  2,  line  19,  at end add—



The Chancellor of the Exchequer shall instruct the Office for Tax Simplification


to publish by 31 March 2014 a report setting out proposals for a new, simplified


Corporation Tax code, specifically addressing the potential for a simpler tax code


to reduce tax avoidance, and the Chancellor shall place a copy of the report in the


House of Commons Library.’.


Clause Agreed to.


Clause 5 Agreed to.


[Adjourned until Thursday 16 May at 11.30 am


© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 26 April 2013