Session 2012 - 13
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament
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| (Except Clauses 1, 3, 16, 183, 184 and 200 to 212; Schedules 3 and 41; any new Clauses, and
| any new Schedules, first appearing on the Order Paper not later than Tuesday 16 April 2013
| and relating to tax measures concerning housing; and any new Clauses, and any new
| Schedules, relating to value added tax or the bank levy or air passenger duty or the
| subject matter of Clauses 1 and 16 and Schedule 3 or the subject matter of Clause 3
| or the subject matter of Clauses 203 to 212 and Schedule 41)
| [Third and Fourth Sittings]
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| Clause 4, page 2, line 19, at end add— |
| | ‘(4) | The Chancellor of the Exchequer shall instruct the Office for Tax Simplification |
| | to publish by 31 March 2014 a report setting out proposals for a new, simplified |
| | Corporation Tax code, specifically addressing the potential for a simpler tax code |
| | to reduce tax avoidance, and the Chancellor shall place a copy of the report in the |
| | House of Commons Library.’. |
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| [Adjourned until Thursday 16 May at 11.30 am |