Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill (HC Bill 97)

Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration BillPage 60

(d) the date the donation was received by the recognised third

(e) the date and manner in which the donation was dealt with
in accordance with section 56(2)(b), and

(f) 5such other information as may be required by regulations
made by the Commission.

(4) Where the recognised third party did not deal with any reportable
donations of the kind mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) in
accordance with section 56(2) during the reporting period, the
10statement must record that fact.


6 Where reference is made in this Part to a donation being accepted,
or dealt with in accordance with section 56(2), by a recognised
third party during a reporting period, it is irrelevant whether the
15donation was also received by that party in that period.

Part 3 Weekly Reports

7 (1) A weekly report in respect of a reporting period must contain—

(a) a statement recording the appropriate details in relation to
20each substantial donation received by the recognised third
party during that period, or

(b) if the recognised third party did not receive any substantial
donations during that period, a statement to that effect.

(2) The “appropriate details” means—

(a) 25the information about the donor which is, in connection
with recordable donations to registered parties, required
to be recorded in donation reports by virtue of paragraph
3 of Schedule 6,

(b) where the donation is of money, the amount of the

(c) where the donation is not of money, the nature of the
donation and its value,

(d) the date the donation was received by the recognised third
party, and

(e) 35such other information as may be required by regulations
made by the Commission.