Session 2015-16
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament


Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued



Where an offence under any provision of this Act committed by a body corporate


is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have


been attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or


other similar officer of the body corporate or a person who was purporting to act


in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that


offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.”



Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker




To move the following Clause—



“Chilterns AONB Review Group



A Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Review Group shall be





The members of the group shall include Buckinghamshire County Council,


Chilterns District Council, Wycombe District Council, Aylesbury Vale District


Council, the Chilterns Conservation Board, Natural England, key community


groups and the nominated undertaker.



The purpose of the group shall be to identify measures for environmental


enhancement in the Chilterns to mitigate against the impact of HS2 railway





The group shall elect a Chair, who shall not be an employee of the nominated





The group shall receive such funds from the Secretary of State as it considers


necessary to perform its functions expeditiously and efficiently.



The group shall make a twice yearly report with recommendations.



In the event that the Secretary of State does not accept any recommendation of


the group, they shall make a statement to the House within three months of the


date of the report, indicating reasons.”


Member’s explanatory statement


This new clause is intended to give statutory backing to the establishment and powers of the


Chilterns AONB Review Group.



Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued


Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Kelvin Hopkins


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach




To move the following Clause—



“Obligation to plant trees



The nominated undertaker must publish plans to plant the Referenced Trees


within the Construction Period and make arrangements for their maintenance for


a period of 10 years from the commencement of services on Phase 1 of HS2.



The nominated undertaker must provide an annual report to Parliament which


shall specify—



the progress made on planting of the Referenced Trees,



the number and species of trees planted since the publication of the


previous report,



the position of the trees, groups of trees or woodlands, as the case may


be, by reference to a map,



the adequacy of arrangements to manage Referenced Trees which have


been planted previously.



In subsections (1) and (2) “Referenced Trees” shall mean the trees planted to meet


the commitment of two million additional trees to be situated adjacent to Phase 1


of HS2 as set out in the environmental statement referenced in Clause 66(4). In


subsection (1) Construction Period shall mean the period between


commencement of the Scheduled Works and the commencement of operational


service on Phase One of High Speed 2.”



Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Kelvin Hopkins


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“Office of the HS2 Adjudicator



There is to be a body corporate known as the Office of the HS2 Adjudicator


hereinafter referred to as “the Adjudicator”.



Schedule [Adjudicator: status and funding] (which makes further provision about


the Adjudicator) shall have effect.



The Adjudicator has the functions conferred on it by or under any enactment.


Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued



Those functions include—



enforced functions



inspection functions,



information functions.



The main objective of the Adjudicator in performing its functions is to protect the


natural environment and communities impacted by the construction and


operation of Phase 1 of High Speed 2.



The Adjudicator is to perform its functions for the general purpose of securing—



the minimisation of adverse impacts on communities and the natural


environment situated in locations affected by the construction or


operation of Phase 1 of HS2,



the provision of additional mitigation measures in the event the


environmental impacts of the operation of HS2 are worse than as set out


in the environmental statement prepared in accordance with section





Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Kelvin Hopkins


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“Matters to which the Adjudicator must have regard



In performing its functions the Adjudicator must have regard to—



the views expressed by or on behalf of the members of the public or


organisations about the environmental impacts of constructing Phase


One of HS2,



the views expressed by people affected by the construction and operation


of Phase One of HS2,



the views expressed by local authorities about the impact of constructing


and operating Phase One of HS2 in their areas,



the need to protect the natural environment and minimise environmental


impacts arising from the construction and operation of Phase One of





the need to ensure that any action by the Adjudicator in relation to its


areas of responsibility is proportionate to the risks against which it would


afford safeguards and is targeted only where it is needed,



any developments in approaches to monitoring and mitigating


environmental impacts arising from the construction or operation of


Phase One of HS2,



best practice among persons performing functions comparable to those of


the Adjudicator (including the principles under which regulatory action


should be transparent, accountable and consistent).


Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued



In performing its functions the Adjudicator must also have regard to such aspects


of government policy as the Secretary of State may direct.”



Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Kelvin Hopkins


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“ Statement on stakeholder involvement



The Adjudicator must publish a statement describing how it proposes to—



discharge its oversight requirements to ensure environmental outcomes


reflect the forecasts set out in the environmental statement referenced in


section 66(4),



promote engagement and discussion with the nominated undertaker and


impacted communities concerning adequate levels of mitigation,



ensure that proper regard is had to views expressed by non-government


organisations and local authorities concerning the environmental impacts


arising from the construction and operation of Phase One of High Speed





arrange for accurate regular reporting of environmental impacts arising


from the construction of the scheduled works and operation of Phase One


of High Speed 2.



The Adjudicator may from time to time revise the statement and must publish any


revised statement.



Before publishing the statement (or any revised) statement the Adjudicator must


consult such persons it considers appropriate.”



Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued


Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Kelvin Hopkins


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“ Compliance with requirements



The Adjudicator will keep under review compliance by HS2 Ltd, the nominated


undertaker and its contractors with the standards detailed in the environmental


statement, Environmental Minimum Requirements and the Code of Construction


Practice and the assurances and undertakings provided by the Secretary of State


on HS2 and Information Papers prepared by HS2 Ltd (collectively the


“environmental documents”).



If it appears to the Adjudicator that any person has failed or is likely to fail to


comply with any requirements for which he is responsible set out in the


environmental documents relating to the construction or operation of Phase One


of High Speed 2, the Adjudicator (hereinafter referred to in this section as the


“relevant requirements”) may address to that person an enforcement notice.



An enforcement notice comes into effect 36 hours after it is published on the


website of the Adjudicator.



The Adjudicator must also transmit an electronic version to HS2 Ltd, any


nominated undertaker or contractor to the aforementioned, or local authority who


has supplied to the Adjudicator an email address for this purpose.



An enforcement notice must also be placed on a hard copy register maintained at


such a location as the Adjudicator may determine.



An enforcement notice is a notice in writing—



specifying the matters which appears to the Adjudicator to constitute a


failure to comply with the relevant requirements set out in the


environmental documents, and



prohibiting the recurrence or occurrence of those matters and requiring


the person to whom it is addressed to carry out any specified works or


take any steps which the Adjudicator considers necessary to ensure


compliance with the relevant requirements detailed in the environmental





Where any person suffers loss or damage as a result of any matter specified in an


enforcement notice, whether that loss or damage occurs before or after the service


of the enforcement notice, he may recover damages for that loss or damage in a


civil court from the person on whom the enforcement notice was served



It shall be a defence to any claim under subsection (7) above to prove that the


matters alleged to constitute non compliance have not occurred or that they do not


constitute non compliance with the relevant requirements



If any person fails to comply with the requirements of an enforcement notice he


shall be guilty of an offence.



A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be punishable on summary


conviction by a fine not exceeding £20,000 and on conviction on indictment to a




Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued



It shall be a defence to any criminal proceedings under subsection (9) claim to


prove that—



the matters alleged to constitute non compliance have not occurred,



that they do not constitute non compliance with the relevant requirements


or that any required works or steps were not necessary to achieve


compliance with the relevant requirements or



that despite due diligence he was unaware of the provision of the notice.



Where an offence under any provision of this Act committed by a body corporate


is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have


been attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or


other similar officer of the body corporate or a person who was purporting to act


in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that


offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.”



Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“Inspections and studies



The Adjudicator may for the purposes of its regulatory functions carry out


inspections of—



the carrying on of the Scheduled Works, or



the operation of any train travelling on Phase One of HS2.



The Adjudicator may undertake or promote comparative or other studies


designed to enable it to make recommendations—



for improving sustainability and effectiveness in any activity mentioned


in subsection (3), or



for improving the management of environmental outcomes arising from


the operation of Phase One of HS2.



Those activities are—



the undertaking of construction activity by HS2 Ltd or a nominated





the making of arrangements by HS2 Ltd or a nominated undertaker for


the purpose of environmental mitigation.



The Adjudicator may also undertake or promote studies designed to enable it to


prepare reports as to the impact of—



the operation of any particular statutory provisions, or



any directions or guidance given by a Minister of the Crown (whether


pursuant to any such provisions or otherwise),



on economy, efficiency and effectiveness in an activity mentioned in subsection


(3)(a) or (b).


Notices of Amendments: 18 March 2016                  



High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill, continued



The Adjudicator must undertake or promote a study falling within subsection (2)


or (4) if the Secretary of State so requests.



The Adjudicator must publish—



any recommendations made by it under subsection (2) and



the result of any studies undertaken or promoted under that section.



The Secretary of State may, after consulting the Adjudicator, by regulations make


provisions as to the procedure to be followed in respect of the making of


representatives to the Adjudicator before the publication under subsection (2) of


any recommendations or the result of any studies.”



Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Mr Steve Baker


Victoria Prentis


Mr Graham Brady


Sir William Cash


Craig Tracey


Dr Rupa Huq


Antoinette Sandbach


Keir Starmer




To move the following Clause—



“ Power to require documents, information returns etc.



The Adjudicator may require any person mentioned in subsection (2) to provide


it with any information, documents, records or other items which the Adjudicator


considers it necessary or expedient to have for the purposes of any of its


regulatory functions.



The persons are—



HS2 Limited,



a nominated undertaker,



any contractor appointed by HS2 Limited or a nominated undertaker.



The power in subsection (1) to require the provision of information, documents


or records includes, in relation to information, documents or records kept by


means of a computer, power to require the provision of the information,


documents or records in legible form.



The Adjudicator may require a nominated undertaker to make a return to the


Adjudicator at such intervals as may be prescribed.



Provision may be made in such requirements as to the contents of the return and


the period in respect of which and date by which it is to be made.”


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Revised 18 March 2016