Explanatory Notes

The implementation period

18 The UK and the EU have agreed that the UK’s exit will be followed by a time-limited implementation period, which will last until 31 December 2020 (‘IP completion day’). The Bill also provides in clause 30 that any extension to the duration of the implementation period is subject to the approval of the House of Commons before it can be agreed, and provides a power in clause 37 to reflect in statute a single extension of up to two years. During the implementation period, common rules will remain in place, with EU (also known as Union) law continuing to apply to the UK under the terms set out in the Withdrawal Agreement.

19 Therefore, new pieces of directly applicable EU law that are introduced during the implementation period will continue to apply automatically within the UK, in line with Part 4 of the Withdrawal Agreement. Other new EU measures introduced will need to continue to be implemented domestically to comply with Part 4 of the Withdrawal Agreement.


Prepared 21st October 2019