● Environmental Principles and Governance after EU Exit – seeking views on the development of an Environmental Principles and Governance Bill. Duration: 10 May – 2 August 2018. No. of responses: 176,746 responses (176,006 campaign responses). Government response published: 19 December 2018. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Draft Clean Air Strategy – seeking views on the draft Clean Air Strategy which outlines our ambitions relating to reducing air pollution in the round, making our air healthier to breathe, protecting nature and boosting the economy. Duration: 22 May – 14 August 2018. No. of responses: 711 responses. Government response published: 14 January 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Net Gain - seeking views on how we can improve the planning system in England to protect the environment (biodiversity net gain) and build places to live and work. Duration: 2 December 2018 – 10 February 2019. No. of responses: 470 responses. Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Protecting and enhancing England’s trees and woodlands - the UK government’s proposals to introduce four new measures designed to increase transparency and accountability in the process of felling street trees and to strengthen the Forestry Commission’s power to tackle illegal tree felling. Duration: 30 December 2018 – 28 February 2019. No. of responses: 4,671 responses. Government response published: 15 October 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Conservation covenants. Duration: 22 February – 22 March 2019. No of responses 112 responses. Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system – seeking views on measures to reduce the amount of unnecessary and difficult to recycle packaging and increase the amount of packaging that can and is recycled, through reforms to the packaging producer responsibility regulations. Duration: 18 February – 13 May 2019. No. of responses: 712 responses. Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Consultation on consistency in Household and business recycling collections in England. Duration: 18 February – 13 May 2019. No. of responses: 1,758 responses. Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Duration: 18 February – 13 May 2019. No. of responses: 1,180 responses (223,000 campaign responses). Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.
● Improving our management of water in the environment – seeking views on proposals for better long-term planning for water resource and drainage and modernising water regulation. Duration: 15 January– 12 March 2019. No. of responses: 298 responses. Government response published: 23 July 2019. The consultation and government response can be found at the following hyperlink.