Part 1
Police reform
Chapter 1
Police areas outside London
Chapter 2
Metropolitan police district
Chapter 3
Functions of elected local policing bodies etc
Community safety and crime prevention
Information, consultation etc
Other provisions about functions
Financial matters
Chapter 4
Accountability of elected local policing bodies
Scrutiny of police and crime commissioners
Conduct of police and crime commissioners
Scrutiny of Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
Chapter 5
Police forces in areas with elected local policing bodies
Chief officers of police
Police forces outside London
The metropolitan police force
Chapter 6
Police and crime commissioners: elections and vacancies
Holding of elections
Conduct of elections
Vacancy in office of police and crime commissioner
Vacancy or incapacity
65. Disqualification from election as police and crime commissioner
66. Police and crime commissioner not to serve for more than two terms
67. Disqualification from election or holding office as police and crime
commissioner: police grounds -
68. Disqualification from election or holding office as police and crime
commissioner: other grounds -
69. Disqualification of person holding office as police and crime commissioner
Elections: further provision
Chapter 7
Other provisions relating to policing and crime and disorder
Requirement for national policing capabilities
Duties and powers of Secretary of State
Her Majesty’s inspectors of constabulary
Community safety partnerships
Policing in England and Wales
Police: complaints
Chapter 8
Miscellaneous provisions
Part 2
Chapter 1
Amendments of the Licensing Act 2003
Responsible authorities
Removing the vicinity test
Reducing the evidential burden on licensing authorities
Temporary event notices
Underage sales
Early morning alcohol restriction orders
Chapter 2
Late night levy
Application of late night levy requirement in licensing authority’s area
Liability to pay late night levy
Administration of late night levy
Application of levy payments
Late night levy requirement: further provision
Chapter 3
Alcohol disorder zones
Part 3
Parliament Square Garden and surrounding area
Repeal of SOCPA 2005 provisions
Controls on activities in Parliament Square Garden and adjoining pavements
Part 4
Seizure powers under byelaws
Misuse of drugs
Arrest warrants
Part 5
Final provisions