Summary Agenda Monday 16 April 2012

Summary Agenda

2.30 pm



Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Education, including at 3.15 pm Topical Questions.

3.30 pm

Urgent Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any).


Finance (No. 4) Bill: Second Reading (may continue until any hour).


—followed by Programme Motion (without separate debate).


—followed by Carry-Over Motion (without separate debate).


E-tabling of written questions (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 pm).

At the end of the sitting

Adjournment Debate: Electrification of the Midland main line (Nicky Morgan) (until 10.30 pm or for half an hour, whichever is later).


Continue to Order of Business

Prepared 16th April 2012