Summary Agenda Tuesday 8 January 2013

Summary Agenda

11.30 am



Private Business (without debate).

Oral Questions to the Deputy Prime Minister, including at 11.50 am Topical Questions.

12.10 pm

Oral Questions to the Attorney General.

12.30 pm

Urgent Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any).


Regulation of Bailiffs-Motion for leave to introduce a Bill under the Ten minute rule (Mr Jim Cunningham) (for up to 20 minutes).

Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill:Second Reading (may continue until 7.00 pm).

-followed by Programme Motion (without separate debate).

Business of the House (15 January) (Motion) (no debate after 7.00 pm).

At the end of the sitting

Adjournment Debate: Effects of reduction in funding for Newcastle upon Tyne City Council (Catherine McKinnell) (until 7.30 pm or for half an hour, whichever is later).

Sitting in Westminster Hall

General Debates:

9.30 am

Sri Lanka and the UN responsibility to protect (Siobhain McDonagh).

11.00 am

Victims of female genital mutilation (Karl Turner).

The sitting will be suspended from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm.

2.30 pm

Liverpool Care Pathway (Glyn Davies).

4.00 pm

Funding for schools and sixth forms in Cambridgeshire (Dr Julian Huppert).

4.30 pm

Trends in donations to charities (John Robertson) (until 5.00 pm).

Continue to Order of Business

Prepared 8th January 2013