2.30 p.m.
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
3.05 p.m.
Oral Questions to the Minister for the Olympics.
3.15 p.m.
Oral Questions to the honourable Member representing the Church Commissioners, to the Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission
and to the honourable Member representing the Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission.
3.30 p.m.
Urgent Questions, Ministerial Statements, including on (1) housing and (2) intergovernmental conference.
Standards and Privileges (Motion) (may continue until 10.00 p.m.).
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) (Motion) (for up to 45 minutes).
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill [Lords]: Not amended in the Public Bill Committee, to be considered (may continue for up to three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill [Lords] (Programme) (No. 2) Motion, if that Motion is agreed to).
Statutory Instruments (Motions for approval) (without debate).
European Union Document (Motion) (without debate).
Sittings in Westminster Hall (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
Delegated Legislation (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
At the end of the sitting
Adjournment Debate: Collection of biometric data in schools (Greg Mullholland) (until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later).