Register Of All-Party Parliamentary Groups [as at 25 August 2021] Introduction


The Nature of All-Party Parliamentary Groups


An All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) consists of Members of both Houses who join together to pursue a particular topic or interest. In order to use the title All-Party Parliamentary Group, a Group must be open to all Members of both Houses, regardless of party affiliation, and must satisfy the rules agreed by the House for All-Party Parliamentary Groups. The Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups, which is maintained by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, is a definitive list of such groups. It contains the financial and other information about Groups which the House has decided should be published. The Register is published on the parliamentary website and updated approximately every six weeks.

All-Party Parliamentary Groups cover a diverse range of subjects and are established for a rich variety of purposes. They provide a valuable opportunity for parliamentarians to engage with individuals and organisations outside Parliament who share an interest in the subject matter of their Group. They are not however official parliamentary bodies, and Groups must avoid presenting themselves in a way which leads to their being confused with select committees.


Information and advice about All-Party Parliamentary Groups


Information about APPGs (including the Guide to the Rules on APPGs, the Register of APPGs and the Registration Form for APPGs) can be found on the APPG Page of the parliamentary website.

Should you require any further advice please contact:

Assistant Registrar
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Tel: 020 7219 0401