Register Of All-Party Parliamentary Groups [as at 9 October 2024] Contents
- Africa
- Australia and New Zealand (ANZAC) and the Pacific Islands
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Canada
- Chagos (British Indian Ocean Territory)
- Channel Islands
- Commonwealth
- Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- India
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kashmir
- Kosovo and Albania
- Kurdistan Region in Iraq
- Libya
- Mexico
- Palestine
- Poland
- Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- Taiwan
- Ukraine
- West Papua
- Access to Justice
- Afrikan Reparations
- Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
- Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax
- Antisemitism
- Apprenticeships
- Arbitrary Detention and Hostage Affairs
- Art, Craft and Design in Education
- Arts and Heritage
- Autism
- Aviation, Travel and Aerospace
- Beer
- Brain Tumours
- British Heritage
- British Jews
- British Muslims
- Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
- Child of the North
- Choice at the End of Life
- Christians in Parliament
- Climate Change
- Climate, Nature and Security
- Craft
- Cycling and Walking
- Deep Geothermal
- Dentistry and Oral Health
- Digital Identity
- Digital Regulation and Responsibility
- Drugs, Alcohol and Justice
- East of England
- Electric Vehicle
- Energy Studies
- Engineering
- Environment
- Eye Health and Visual Impairment
- Fair Banking
- Fair Elections
- Financial Education for Young People
- Financial Technology
- Fire Safety and Rescue
- Football
- Football Supporters
- Formula 1 and Motorsport
- Freight and Logistics
- Fusion Energy
- Gardening and Horticulture
- Get Refusal
- Global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Greater Manchester
- Grid Networks
- Gypsies, Travellers and Roma
- Heritage Rail
- Homelessness
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Households in Temporary Accommodation
- Human Rights
- Humanist
- Hydrogen
- Intellectual Property
- International Freedom of Religion or Belief
- Investment Fraud and Fairer Financial Services
- Jazz
- Key Cities
- Kinship Care
- Loan Charge and Taxpayer Fairness
- London
- Media
- Migration
- Modern Languages
- Modernising Employment
- Motor
- Music
- National Trust
- Net Zero
- Nuclear Energy
- Ocean
- Opera
- Park Homes
- Performing Arts Education and Training
- Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse
- Pharmacy
- Publishing
- Racing and Bloodstock
- Radiotherapy
- Rail
- Refugees
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- Responsible Vaping
- Restorative Justice
- Rugby Union Football Club
- Rural Services
- Scientific
- Scotch Whisky
- Semiconductors
- South East
- South West
- Space
- Spinal Cord Injury
- State Pension Inequality for Women
- Steel and Metals-Related Industries
- Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention
- Tennis
- UK Food Security
- United Nations Global Goals
- University
- Vulnerable Groups to Pandemics
- War Crimes
- Water
- Whistleblowing
- Wine of Great Britain
- Women, Peace and Security
- Woods and Trees
- Youth Affairs