Administration of the Register
and the Approved List
The administration of the Register is overseen by
the Committee on Standards and Privileges whereas the Administration
Committee oversees the Approved List. Both the Register and the
Approved List are, however, compiled and maintained by the Assistant
Registrar in the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for
Standards, whose address is: House of Commons, London SW1A OAA
(tel: 020 7219 0401).
To be included on the Register or on the Approved
List a group must first complete the 'Application Forms for Cross-Party
Groups'. Once registered, the group is sent the 'Guide to the
Rules on All-Party Groups', which sets out the rules on the day-to-day
conduct of registered groups. Both documents are available from
the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Office
should you wish to know more about the rules governing groups.
Once registered, groups are required to notify the
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards of any
change required to their Register entry within 28 days of such
a change arising. When the Commons is sitting, an updated edition
of the Register is published roughly every 6 weeks. An updated
edition of the Approved List is produced very 1-2 weeks and is
distributed to various departments within the Commons but is not
When the Register is updated a new edition of it
is published on the internet at (on the home
page click on 'Index' then the letter 'R' then 'Register of Interests'
then 'Register of All-Party Groups'). A paper copy is made available
for public inspection in the Committee Office of the House of
Commons (please call 020 7219 4300 to make an appointment). A
further copy is placed in the Oriel Room at the House of Commons
where Members of either House may inspect it.
Any suggestion that the requirement to register has
not been met in a particular case should be made in writing to
the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, House of Commons,
London SW1A OAA.
In minor cases of infringement, the Commissioner
may, at his discretion, apply the rectification procedure. Under
this, a late entry is printed in bold italics in the Register
for 12 months from its first appearing. More major cases may
be the subject of formal investigation and will be reported to
the Committee on Standards and Privileges.