CLELLAND, David (Tyne Bridge) |
6. | Overseas visits |
|  | 12-17 October 2003, to Bahrain, accompanied by partner, at the invitation and expense of the Bahrain Government. (Registered 28 October 2003) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | House in Gateshead, jointly owned with my partner. |
| | Two flats in Gateshead, jointly owned with my brother. |
CLIFTON-BROWN, Geoffrey (Cotswold) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Arable farming in the UK. |
| | Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 29 April-4 May 2004, to Doha, Qatar, as a guest of the Government of Qatar. (Registered 12 May 2004) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Agricultural holdings in Norfolk and Gloucestershire. |
| | Small amount of forestry in Scotland. |
CLWYD, Mrs. Ann (Cynon Valley) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 16-18 March 2003, to Washington DC, to meet with US Government officials. The flight was paid for by INDICT, the organisation to bring Iraqi war criminals to justice, which I chair. (Registered 8 July 2003) |
| | 27 May-9 June 2003, to Kuwait and Iraq, on a fact finding mission. Flight and insurance paid for by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and my accommodation in Kuwait paid for by the Kuwaiti Government. (Registered 8 July 2003) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | I am the owner of a small house in Mid Wales from which I receive a small rental. |
COAKER, Vernon (Gedling) |
| Nil. |
COFFEY, Ann (Stockport) |
| Nil. |
COHEN, Harry (Leyton and Wanstead) |
| Nil. |
COLEMAN, Iain (Hammersmith and Fulham) |
| Nil. |
COLLINS, Tim (Westmorland and Lonsdale) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 20 October 2003, free flight on Concorde aircraft between Birmingham and London. (Registered 22 October 2003) |
| | 11 December 2003, guest of Lord and Lady Ashcroft on their table at Sir Cliff Richard's charity fundraising dinner in aid of "Kids on Court" at Hampton Court Palace. (Registered 17 December 2003) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Golf course, equestrian centre, farmland and buildings in Essex, as eventual joint beneficiary of my late father's estate; not currently owned by me, or generating any income for me. |
COLMAN, Anthony (Putney) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 23 May -1 June2003, to Syria. Travel paid for by the British Syrian Society, hospitality provided by Government of Syria. (Registered 3 June 2003) |
| | 4-12 May 2003, to Angola under auspices of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Angola to visit humanitarian projects and meet ministers, NGOs and employees of UK firms. Travel and accommodation expenses met by Christian Aid, Oxfam GB, Save the Children UK, and Tearfund. (Registered 4 August 2003) |
CONNARTY, Michael (Falkirk East) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 25 September-12 October 2003, visit to Australia with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union Football Club to participate in Third Parliamentary World Cup Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade, Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 12 November 2003) |
CONWAY, Derek (Old Bexley and Sidcup) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | April 2004, to Turkey as guest of the Government. Economy class airfare and accommodation, two nights in Ankara and two in Istanbul. (Registered 27 April 2004) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | My children benefit from a trust established for the benefit of my wife's family. |
COOK, Frank (Stockton North) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Parliamentary adviser, with particular emphasis on environmental issues, to DSM Demolition Ltd. and its associated companies. (Up to £5,000) |
COOK, Rt. Hon. Robin (Livingston) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Consultant to College Hill, providing advice on public policy in relation to horseracing, solely for their work in respect of the Tote. (£15,001-£20,000) (Registered 8 July 2003) |
| | Weekly article for The Independent. (£15,001-£20,000) (Registered 8 July 2003) |
| | Contract with Simon & Schuster for a book on political events since the General Election of 2001, for which I have received £250,000 from the publishers and £200,000 from the Sunday Times. (Registered 8 July 2003) |
| | 9 October 2003, lecture for Royal Bank of Scotland. (£5,001-£10,000) |
| | Occasional articles for: | The Sunday Mirror (£2,000) (Up to £5,000) |
| |  | The London Standard (£3,500) (Up to £5,000) |
| | | The Guardian (£650) (Up to £5,000) |
COOPER, Yvette (Pontefract and Castleford) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | I receive support from a former constituent, David Newton of Newton-Smith Associates, who is creating and will service a website for me free of charge. |
CORBYN, Jeremy (Islington North) |
| Nil. |
CORMACK, Sir Patrick (South Staffordshire) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc. |
| | Quarterly article for First Magazine, entitled Parliamentary Round-up. (Up to £5,000) |
| | President (International Affairs) of First Magazine. |
| | Programme adviser to the Catholic University of America. (The fee includes the cost of secretarial assistance.) |
| | Editor of the House Magazine, in which capacity I chair occasional seminars and conferences.(£25,001-£30,000) |
| | Adviser to the publisher of the House Magazine on his other publications, including the Church of England Newspaper. |
| | Public affairs and parliamentary adviser to Machinery Users' Association, which advises its members on the rating of industrial plant and machinery. (£5,001-£10,000) |
| | Heritage adviser to Linford-Bridgeman Ltd.; conservation and restoration company. |
| | Regular participant in "Parliamentary Questions" BBC radio programme. I receive a fee of £250 for each appearance. (Up to £5,000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 22-24 October 2003, to Milan to make a presentation at the World Political Forum in Turin. Travel and accommodation paid by the Forum. (Registered 31 October 2003) |
CORSTON, Jean (Bristol East) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Barrister at Law (no longer practising). |
COTTER, Brian (Weston-Super-Mare) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Chairman, Plasticable Ltd.; private company, manufacturer of plastic extrusions. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (b) | Plasticable Ltd. |
COUSINS, Jim (NewcastleuponTyne Central) |
| Nil. |
COX, Tom (Tooting) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Parliamentary adviser to Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society. (Up to £5,000) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Rental income from house in Wandsworth, London. |
CRAN, James (Beverley and Holderness) |
| Nil. |
CRANSTON, Ross (Dudley North) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Author. |
| | Barrister/Recorder |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 6-8 December 2003, to Cairo as a guest of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration who paid my air fares and accommodation. (Registered 11 December 2003) |
CRAUSBY, David (Bolton North East) |
| Nil. |
CRUDDAS, John (Dagenham) |
| Nil. |
CRYER, Ann (Keighley) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 16-19 May 2003, to Saudi Arabia on fact-finding visit. All costs were paid by the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, who sponsored the visit. (Registered 27 August 2003) |
CRYER, John (Hornchurch) |
| Nil. |
CUMMINGS, John (Easington) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Visits to the Stadium of Light as a guest of the Chairman of Sunderland AFC. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 12-18 March 2004, to Thailand, to speak at three conferences in Khon Kaen, Chang Mei and Bangkok to promote UK further and higher education to students from Thailand. My flights, accommodation and transport costs were met by Siam Edulink, the conference organisers. (Registered 25 March 2004) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Parliamentary adviser to the National Association of Licensed House Managers. Honorary position, not remunerated in any form. |
| | Parliamentary adviser to the National Association of Councillors. Honorary position, not remunerated in any form. |
CUNNINGHAM, Rt. Hon. Dr. Jack (Copeland) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Partner, Brinkburn Associates (political and public policy consultancy). |
| | Anderson MacGraw (Partner) (political and public policy consultancy). |
| | Sovereign Strategy Ltd. (non-executive) (a management skills company). |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 3-6 June 2003, to USA. Transport and accommodation provided by USA Department of Energy and BNFL Inc. (Registered 13 July 2003) |
| | 22-26 November 2003, to Washington DC, to discuss nuclear policy issues. Travel and accommodation costs were met by Sovereign Strategy. (Registered 19 December 2003) |
CUNNINGHAM, Jim (Coventry South) |
| Nil. |
CUNNINGHAM, Tony (Workington) |
| Nil. |
CURRY, Rt. Hon. David (Skipton and Ripon) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Monthly column for Local Government Chronicle. (Up to £5,000) |
| | Monthly column for Builder Magazine. (Up to £5,000) |
CURTIS-THOMAS, Claire (Crosby) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | I receive £6,000 from the Engineering Technical Board to support my parliamentary duties. (Registered 21 May 2004) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 11-17 January 2004, to Taiwan, at the invitation of the Taiwan Government to members of the All-Party UK-Taiwan Group to attend a conference in Taipei. The costs were met entirely by the Taiwanese Government. (Registered 23 January 2004) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | With my sister, I own a house in Crosby and a house in Crewe which are held in trust for family members (and on which rental income is received). |