Register of Members' Interests Contents


SALMOND, Alex (Banff and Buchan)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Weekly racing column in The Scotsman newspaper.
Series of articles for Scotland on Sunday (2001).
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
13 and 14 June 2003, two nights' accommodation, meals, hospitality and entry to York Races for myself and my wife from Timeform Limited in return for my speaking at a charity dinner organised by Timeform. (Registered 29 August 2003)
Gift of set of two entry badges from Scottish Racing valid during 2004 (not available on open market but nominal value of £800 per badge). (Registered 29 December 2003)
SALTER, Martin (Reading West)
SANDERS, Adrian (Torbay)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
7 November 2003, honorarium for speech to Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN) conference in London. I have donated the amount, less tax, to Diabetes UK. (Registered 3 December 2003)
SARWAR, Mohammad (Glasgow Govan)
1.Remunerated directorships
United Wholesale Scotland Limited; wholesale cash and carry business trading in groceries, cigarettes and alcohol.
United Cash and Carry Limited; cash and carry business trading in clothing, electrical, hardware and fancy goods.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)United Wholesale Scotland Limited.
United Cash and Carry Limited.
SAVIDGE, Malcolm (Aberdeen North)
6.Overseas visits
7-9 November 2003, to Vancouver, Canada, to speak at an International Conference for Parliamentarians: "From Nuclear Dangers to Co-operative Security" at the Liu Institute for Global Studies, University of British Colombia. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament. (Registered 23 February 2004)
SAWFORD, Phil (Kettering)
SAYEED, Jonathan (Mid-Bedfordshire)
1.Remunerated directorships
Crystal Clear (Manufacturing) Ltd.(manufacturer of glazing products) (non-executive).
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Complimentary membership of Champneys Health Club, London. (Registered 2 October 2002)
6.Overseas visits
20-29 April 2003, to Washington DC on behalf of and paid for by The English Manner Ltd. (Registered 2 January 2004)
20-30 September 2003, to USA on behalf of and paid for by The English Manner Ltd. (Registered 23 January 2004)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)The English Manner Ltd.
SEDGEMORE, Brian (Hackney South and Shoreditch)
SELOUS, Andrew (South West Bedfordshire)
8.Land and Property
Residential property in London, from which rental income is received.
SHAW, Jonathan (Chatham and Aylesford)
SHEERMAN, Barry (Huddersfield)
1.Remunerated directorships
Chairman and Director of Networking for Industry, a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Provides some administrative support.
Chairman and Director of Urban Mines Ltd.; (a not for profit environmental organisation from which I receive an honorarium for secretarial and administrative support).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Member of Environmental Scrutiny Board of Onyx UK Ltd.
Chair (until June 2001) and from June 2001, Deputy Chair, of World Bank Business Partners for Development Committee Global Road Safety Partnership.
Academic adviser to Arcadia University.
8.Land and Property
Small flat in London EC2, jointly owned with my wife, currently let.
Holiday home in the United States, jointly owned with my wife, from which rental income is received.
SHEPHARD, Rt. Hon. Gillian (South West Norfolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
Coventry Building Society (non-executive).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Senior Political Adviser to the D Group, the Networking Division of Strategy International Limited; a consultancy. (£10,001-£15,000)
Chairman to the Council of the Ombudsman Scheme for Estate Agents.
Six-month contract as associate of Penna Change Consultancy (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 9 September 2003)
SHEPHERD, Richard (Aldridge­Brownhills)
1.Remunerated directorships
Partridges of Sloane Street Ltd (non-executive founder Chairman); food retailing.
Shepherd Foods (London) Ltd. (non-executive founder Chairman).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Former member of Lloyd's. Resigned with effect from 31 December 1994.
Categories of business underwritten in open and run-off years: All, except life.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Partridges of Sloane St. Ltd.
Shepherd Foods (London) Ltd.
Shepherd Food Holdings Ltd.
SHERIDAN, Jim (West Renfrewshire)
SHIPLEY, Debra (Stourbridge)
6.Overseas visits
8-13 March 2004, to Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Hotels, hospitality and internal transport paid for by Novosti Russia News Agency (flights London to Moscow return paid for by Foreign and Commonwealth Office). (Registered 31 March 2004)
SHORT, Rt. Hon. Clare (Birmingham, Ladywood)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Chair of one of the tracks of the Helsinki Process, sponsored by Finnish and Tanzanian Governments (from October 2003 to March 2004). (Up to £5,000)
2 July 2003, lecture at training conference for Kane Communications. (£5,001-£10,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
8-12 September 2003, fee paid by BBC for reporting from Cancun on trade talks for Today Programme (Up to £5,000); the BBC also paid my expenses. (Registered 19 February 2004)
28 August-September, fee for making film in Cephalonia for BBC's The Big Read. (£10,001-£15,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
Fees for appearances for BBC: Any Questions (9 January 2003), speaking at a festival (30 July 2003), Being a Teacher (30 September 2003), Question Time (6 November 2003), Dinner with Portillo (3 February 2004). (Up to £5,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
Articles for the Guardian on 7 June 2003, 30 July 2003, 23 August 2003, 15 November 2003, 25 November 2003 (Registered 19 February 2004) and 26 November 2003 (Registered 26 February 2004). (Up to £5,000)
Articles for the Independent on 4 September 2003, 10 September 2003, 4 November 2003, 23 December 2003 and 5 March 2004. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
Contributions to New Statesman (6 June 2003, 26 September 2003, 2 December 2003) (Registered 19 February 2004), 2 December 2003 (Registered 26 February 2004), 2 and 30 January 2004 (Registered 2 April 2004) (Up to £5,000)
8 July 2003, speech for Milton S Eisenhower Foundation. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
4 November 2003, talk at 'Legendary Dinner' booked by Performing Artistes. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
26 November 2003 and 29 January 2004, articles for News International. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 19 February 2004)
Fee from the Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd) for article entitled "My Week in the Real World" published in the Mail on Sunday on 22 February 2004. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 12 March 2004)
Fee from BBC for participating in This Week during November 2003. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 18 May 2004)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
7 February 2004, two tickets for Directors' Box at Aston Villa. (Registered 19 February 2004)
6.Overseas visits
June 2003, to Rwanda to make series of reports for Today Programme; expenses paid by BBC. (Registered 11 February 2004)
20 September 2003, to New York to speak at a New Yorker Conference, expenses and a non-registrable fee paid by New Yorker. (Registered 11 February 2004)
September 2003, to Washington and Detroit on behalf of Win Without War Coalition; expenses paid by the Fourth Freedom Foundation. (Registered 11 February 2004)
24-26 October 2003, to Helsinki; expenses paid by Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Registered 11 February 2004)
12-19 February 2004, to Ethiopia to make a two-part series for the BBC World Service on the possibility of poverty reduction; all expenses met by the BBC. (Registered 19 February 2004)
12-15 April 2004, to Nigeria, to make a radio programme about African development. My expenses were paid by the BBC World Service Radio. (Registered 22 April 2004)
SIMMONDS, Mark (Boston and Skegness)
1.Remunerated directorships
Chairman, Mortlock Simmonds Ltd; chartered surveyors.
Chairman, Mortlock Simmonds Brown Ltd; chartered surveyors.
6.Overseas visits
26-31 October 2003, fact-finding visit to Israel under the auspices of the Conservative Friends of Israel and the Government of Israel. (Registered 12 November 2003)
8-13 March 2004, to Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Hotels, hospitality and internal transport paid for by Novosti Russia News Agency (flights London to Moscow return paid for by Foreign and Commonwealth Office). (Registered 23 March 2004)
SIMON, Siôn (Birmingham Erdington)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Monthly column for Decanter Magazine.
Fees for articles for the Mail on Sunday. (Up to £5,000).
6.Overseas visits
30 June-4 July 2003, to Israel and the Palestinian Authority with Labour Friends of Israel to meet members of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority, and people involved in furthering peace and families of victims of terror. Travel and accommodation paid for by the Labour Friends of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. (Registered 11 September 2003)
SIMPSON, Alan (Nottingham South)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
1 July 2003, to Wimbledon Championships, as a guest of the Lawn Tennis Association. (Registered 18 December 2003)
4 December 2003, to Honda Challenge Tournament at the Royal Albert Hall, as a guest of the Lawn Tennis Association. (Registered 18 December 2003)
SIMPSON, Keith (Mid Norfolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
The Eric Morris Consultancy Ltd (Geopolitical Analysts and Advisers) (non-executive). (Up to £5,000)
6.Overseas visits
23-25 April 2004, to Munich, to attend the Pöckinger Runde weekend with the Bavarian CSU to discuss European political and security matters. Flights, hotel and hospitality paid for by Nigel Clarke of Learned Lion Partners. (Registered 26 April 2004)
SINGH, Marsha (Bradford West)
SKINNER, Dennis (Bolsover)

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