Register of Members' Interests Contents


YEO, Tim (South Suffolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
Univent PLC; operator of nursing homes for elderly people and domiciliary care agencies.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional articles for Country Life magazine.
Fortnightly column in Weekend FT.
7 June 2005, speech to Yorkshire Fiscal Group. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 14 June 2005)
23 October 2005, fee from BBC for participation in University Challenge. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 21 November 2005)
27 October 2005, speech to Wood Mackenzie Limited, energy consultants. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 21 November 2005)
Senior adviser to the European Alternative Energy Fund.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
31 May 2005, loan of a private jet for two domestic flights from Netjets plc. (Registered 14 June 2005)
23-25 June 2005, two night stay at Gleneagles Hotel, accommodation and meals provided by the hotel. (Registered 20 July 2005)
6.Overseas visits
17-20 August 2005, to Washington DC, to stay at the Congressional Country Club as a guest of James Singerling (Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America). (I paid for my own fares.) (Registered 24 August 2005)
6-8 November 2005, to Cyprus, as a guest of Lanitis Development, owners of Aphrodite Hills, a hotel and golf resort. (Registered 21 November 2005)
3-10 January 2006, to California, US. My fares and three nights' accommodation provided by the World Affairs Council of Orange County. (Registered 14 February 2006)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Anacol Holdings Ltd.; a family investment company.
YOUNG, Rt. Hon. Sir George (North West Hampshire)
1.Remunerated directorships
McCarthy and Stone PLC (non-executive); builders of retirement homes.
YOUNGER-ROSS, Richard (Teignbridge)

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Prepared 24 March 2006