Register of Members' Interests Contents


NAYSMITH, Dr. Doug (Bristol North West)
NEWMARK, Brooks (Braintree)
1.Remunerated directorships
Telesis Management Ltd.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I provide research and advice on investment opportunities in the UK and Europe to Apollo Management LP, both independently and through Telesis Management Ltd.
6.Overseas visits
19-20 September 2005, to Washington DC on introductory visit, for meetings at the State Department, National Security Council, White House and Congress. Travel and accommodation costs met by Dr Liam Fox's office from a donation by Mr Michael Lewis, a London businessman. I received free upgrades of airline seats from Virgin Atlantic during my flights to and from Washington. (Registered 18 October 2005)
8-13 January 2006, to Israel, hosted by Conservative Friends of Israel. CFI contributed the cost of flights, accommodation and some meals. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs contributed to the costs of travel inside Israel and some meals. (Registered 31 January 2006)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Telesis Management Ltd
AAA Guernsey Limited (an Apollo Alternative Assets company)
AAA MIP Limited (an Apollo Alternative Assets company)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
I am an unremunerated director of AAA MIP Limited.
NORRIS, Dan (Wansdyke)
6.Overseas visits
11 June 2006, attendance at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone at the invitation of the Motorsport Association. (Registered 10 July 2006)
8.Land and Property
A bungalow in South Gloucestershire.

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Prepared 19 September 2006