Register of Members' Interests Contents


YEO, Tim (South Suffolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
Univent PLC; operator of nursing homes for elderly people and domiciliary care agencies.
ITI Energy Limited; suppliers of gasification equipment.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional articles for Country Life magazine.
Fortnightly column in Weekend FT.
23 October 2005, fee from BBC for participation in University Challenge. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 21 November 2005)
27 October 2005, speech to Wood Mackenzie Limited, energy consultants. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 21 November 2005)
Senior adviser to the European Alternative Energy Fund.
6.Overseas visits
6-8 November 2005, to Cyprus, as a guest of Lanitis Development, owners of Aphrodite Hills, a hotel and golf resort. (Registered 21 November 2005)
3-10 January 2006, to California, US. My fares and three nights' accommodation provided by the World Affairs Council of Orange County. (Registered 14 February 2006)
3-6 April 2006, to Singapore. My outward flight from London to Singapore and my onward flight from Singapore to Hong Kong, and my accommodation in Singapore were paid for by Sentosa Leisure Group. (Registered 2 May 2006)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Anacol Holdings Ltd.; a family investment company.
ITI Energy Limited.
YOUNG, Rt. Hon. Sir George (North West Hampshire)
1.Remunerated directorships
McCarthy and Stone PLC (non-executive); builders of retirement homes.
YOUNGER-ROSS, Richard (Teignbridge)

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Prepared 19 September 2006