Register of Members' Interests Contents


BACON, Richard (South Norfolk)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
13 October-11 November 2006, the temporary use of a Lotus Europa car provided as part of a promotion by Lotus Cars. (Registered 14 December 2006)
6.Overseas visits
1-4 June 2006, to Paris, to speak at a conference: "Public Intervention - reporting accounts and rendering accounts", at the invitation of the French Ministry of Finance and the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, who met hotel and travel costs for me and my wife. No fee paid. (Registered 9 June 2006)
2-8 September 2006, to Rwanda and Kenya with other members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Tuberculosis, to study the treatment of tuberculosis and HIV/Aids. Flights, hotel and food during visit were funded by a charity, Results UK. (Registered 14 December 2006)
BAILEY, Adrian (West Bromwich West)
BAIRD, Vera (Redcar)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional cases as Queen's Counsel remunerated by the Legal Services Commission.
BAKER, Norman (Lewes)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Fees from the Centre for Management and Policy Studies for lectures given to civil servants.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
January-February 2006, researcher provided for my House of Commons office by Forum for the Future, an organisation that organises placements for students studying sustainable development. (Registered 13 February 2006)
17-25 February 2006, to Australia, to visit Tasmania in my then capacity as Shadow Environment Secretary. My transport, accommodation and living expenses in Australia were provided by The Wilderness Society and the Australian Greens. (My return flight to Australia was financed by parliamentary funds.) (Registered 13 March 2006)
29-31 May 2006, to Sweden, to give the annual Iwan Bolin Lecture on education, at the invitation of the Folkuniversitetet in Stockholm. My flights, other transport, accommodation and living expenses during my stay were financed by the Folkuniversitetet. (Registered 12 June 2006)
BALDRY, Tony (Banbury)
1.Remunerated directorships
Transense Technologies PLC (non-executive); development of tyre monitoring technology.
Angel Gate Limited (formerly AKMA Solutions International Ltd.) and subsidiary companies; property development in the UK.
Chairman (non-executive), Red Eagle Resources PLC; investing in agriculture and natural resources in Sierra Leone.
Invicta Africa Limited (non-executive); providing venture capital for investment in Africa, initially in Somaliland.
Chairman (non-executive), Carbon Registry Services Ltd; company providing consultancy on carbon strategy, use of CDM credits and emissions and provision of IT on emissions data management.
Symphony Global Ltd; promoting business development between companies in the UK and businesses from overseas.
Black Rock Oil and Gas plc; an AIM-listed company specialising in oil and gas exploration in the UK and overseas.
Chairman (non-executive), Sustainable Projects Development Group plc - SPDG plc; investment and development of sustainable projects in Africa and elsewhere. (3 November 2005-10 January 2007)
Prime Resources Ltd; investment in natural resources in Somaliland.
Enterprise Development International Capital Ltd; business investment and development in Central Asia, particularly Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Tiresias Ltd; investment in the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia, particularly in areas of new technology. (Relinquished 7 November 2006.)
Chairman (non-executive), Westminster Oil Limited; a BVI registered company, development of oil licences and exploration.
Quartet Global Limited (non-executive). Investment in Idroplax, an Italian company, specialising in sustainable product development.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Practising barrister, arbitrator and mediator.
Executive Partner in Diamond Film Partnership; a UK partnership promoting UK film and television production rights.
Consulting Editor, "Asian Affairs" Magazine.
Business development consultant to HiTS (House of Information Technology Services) of Saudi Arabia.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
I employ a research assistant who receives some funding direct from the Lighting Industry Federation, solely in connection with work that she does in support of the Associate All-Party Lighting Group.
Donations to my fighting fund for the 2005 General Election received from:
Michael Dalgliesh (personal donor)
Chris Moore (constituent, personal donor)
Bestway Group plc; (supermarket chain, business donation)
6.Overseas visits
1-9 January 2006, to India with Conservative Friends of India, to discuss economic and industrial/commercial issues. Visits to Delhi, Mumbai, Bombay and Jaipur. Travel and accommodation expenses met by the Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industry. (Registered 24 January 2006)
8.Land and Property
A cottage in Oxfordshire.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Angel Gate Limited (formerly AKMA Solutions International Ltd.)
Angel Gate Aviation Limited.
Red Eagle Resources PLC
Symphony Global Ltd
Enterprise Development International Capital Ltd.
Tiresias Ltd. (relinquished 7 November 2006)
Quartet Global Limited
(b)3DM PLC
Transense Technologies PLC.
Black Rock Oil and Gas plc
SPDG plc
Prime Resources Ltd
Westminster Oil Limited
BALLS, Ed (Normanton)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Regular columns for Building Magazine December 2005- May 2006. (Up to £5,000)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
I receive support from a local company, Eleventeenth, who host my web-site at below market rates.
BANKS, Gordon (Ochil and South Perthshire)
1.Remunerated directorships
Cartmore Building Supply Co Ltd, Fife; builders' merchant.
8.Land and Property
Flat in Glasgow, from which rental income is received.
BARKER, Gregory (Bexhill and Battle)
1.Remunerated directorships
Director, Flare View Ltd.; property investment company holding freehold property let to commercial tenants.
Maybush Telecom Limited; distribution of mobile and related equipment (from 28 November 2005-3 July 2006).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Director-designate of Spinel Holdings, whose activities include commercial and property interests in the Russian Federation.
6.Overseas visits
2-4 September 2006, to Mozambique, to view sustainable forestry conservation project. Return business class flight and two nights' tented accommodation provided by Envirotrade Ltd. (Registered 14 November 2006)
8.Land and Property
Freehold commercial business park property in East Anglia, from which I receive rental income.
Rental income from residential property in London.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Flare View Ltd.
(b)Great Portland Estates PLC
Electra Kingsway VCT PLC
Quester VCT 5 PLC
Close Technology and General VCT PLC
New Star European Growth Fund PLC
New Star UK Growth Fund PLC
Henderson High Income Trust PLC.
New European Property Holdings Ltd. (NEPH)
Igroland Ltd; owns and operates children's entertainment centres in Kiev, in partnership with IKEA.
Maybush Telecom Limited (from 28 November 2005-3 July 2006)
Penna plc
BARLOW, Celia (Hove)
6.Overseas visits
1-9 April 2006, to India with Labour Friends of India. International travel provided by the Confederation of Indian Industry and all accommodation, domestic travel and hospitality provided by the Government of India. (Registered 25 April 2006)
8.Land and Property
Freehold maisonette and one bed flat in London, from which rental income is received.
BARON, John (Billericay)
1.Remunerated directorships
J T Investments Ltd.; property and investment company (no salary currently being paid).
8.Land and Property
Two residential properties in London from which rental income is received.
Second home in the constituency from which we run the office.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)J T Investments Ltd.
BARRETT, John (Edinburgh West)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)A.B.C. Productions Ltd.; commercial property leasing.
BARRON, Kevin (Rother Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Lay member of General Medical Council. (£10,001-£15,000)
BATTLE, John (Leeds West)
6.Overseas visits
20-22 September 2006, to New York, attending as a panel member and speaker on 'living in integrated communities' at the Clinton Global initiative. Costs of economy class flights and hotel accommodation were covered by the Clinton Global initiative. (Registered 23 November 2006)
BAYLEY, Hugh (City of York)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
I sponsor a parliamentary pass for a research assistant paid by the Royal African Society to enable him to work in support of the Africa All-Party Parliamentary Group, which I chair.
6.Overseas visits
24-27 July 2005, to Accra, Ghana, to evaluate and report on the World Bank's programme in Ghana. The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and the World Bank jointly funded my air fare and accommodation. (Registered 21 November 2005)
22-23 October 2005, to Helsinki, to attend the 6th Annual Conference of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank jointly organised by the World Bank and the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank. The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank paid for my air fare and hotel accommodation for one night. (Registered 21 November 2005)
16-23 September 2006, to Hong Kong, to study how the agreement following handover to China is working. Flights and accommodation paid for by the Hong Kong Government. (Registered 16 October 2006)
BECKETT, Rt. Hon. Margaret (Derby South)
8.Land and Property
Residential rented property; flat in London.
BEGG, Anne (Aberdeen South)
BEITH, Rt. Hon. Alan (Berwick­upon­Tweed)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Consultant to Bourne Leisure Group Ltd.; a holiday park operator in Britain and overseas, on general and parliamentary matters. (£15,001-£20,000)
Occasional lectures for New York State University in London. (Up to £5,000)
6.Overseas visits
28 May-2 June 2006, to Norway, as a member of the All-Party Parliamentary British-Norwegian Group, for meetings in Oslo and visits to a liquid gas project in North Norway and to Svalbard. I was the guest of the Norwegian Government who paid the costs of the visit. (Registered 6 June 2006)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Chairman of the Historic Chapels Trust.
BELL, Sir Stuart (Middlesbrough)
1.Remunerated directorships
SpenView Communications Ltd.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Barrister (non-practising).
6.Overseas visits
11-16 April 2006, to Doha, Qatar, to attend conference on Democracy, Development and Free Trade at the invitation of the Qatari Foreign Ministry, to improve relations between UK parliamentarians and the Government of Qatar. Cost of visa, air travel and part of accommodation paid for by the Foreign Ministry. (Registered 16 May 2006)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)SpenView Ltd.; private holding company which owns the shares of SpenView Communications Ltd, SpenView Publications Ltd and SpenView Capital Ltd. I am a director of all four companies but remunerated only by SpenView Communications Ltd.
BELLINGHAM, Henry (North West Norfolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
Glencara Estate Company; private company unlimited with share capital which owns commercial and agricultural land.
Lansdowne Advisory Ltd.; business consultancy.
Longborough Capital PLC (non-executive vice-chairman); a company involved in marketing intellectual property to the automotive industry.
Advanced Digital Components Ltd (non-executive); a sister company to Longborough Capital PLC, involved with automotive technology.
Environmental Polymer Technologies Limited (formerly 3DM Environment Limited) (non-executive); private company involved with new plastics and polymer technologies.
Arc Fund Management Holdings PLC (non-executive); AIM-listed fund management and venture capital company.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Former member of Lloyds (resigned 1999. Reinsured into Equitas.)
Non-practising barrister-at-law.
8.Land and Property
Forestry and arable land in Norfolk.
House in West Norfolk, from which rental income is received.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Glencara Estate Co. Ltd.
Lansdowne Advisory Ltd.
Longborough Capital PLC.
BENN, Hilary (Leeds Central)
8.Land and Property
Part-owner of house in London.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(b)  United Business Media.
BENTON, Joe (Bootle)
BENYON, Richard (Newbury)
1.Remunerated directorships
Chairman of the Directors of Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Limited, the trustee of various family trusts (see Categories 8 and 9), in all of which either I or members of my wider family have beneficial interests.
8.Land and Property
Landholdings in Hampshire and Berkshire (some in my constituency) comprising farmland, residential and commercial property, some potential development land, woodlands and gravel workings, for some of which rent is received.
Residential and commercial property in Hackney, for which rent is received.
Rural land and property in Inverness-shire.
The majority of property in these estates is held in family trusts in the trusteeship of Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Limited (see Category 1).
Flat in London, for which rent is received.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
I am unremunerated director of the Englefield Charitable Trust.
BERCOW, John (Buckingham)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Fee for research project on economic, industrial and welfare policies in the UK, on behalf of the MHC Benevolent Trust. (Up to £5,000)
BERESFORD, Sir Paul (Mole Valley)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Self-employed dental surgeon.
8.Land and Property
Private accommodation and surgery, London .
BERRY, Roger (Kingswood)
6.Overseas visits
26-30 November 2005, to Ghana, as a member of a cross-party group investigating trade related issues, financed by Christian Aid. (Registered 20 January 2006)
BETTS, Clive (Sheffield, Attercliffe)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Fees for lectures given for Neil Stewart Associates. (Up to £5,000)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge which contributes towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council.
6.Overseas visits
8-11 June 2006, to Germany as a member of the UK Parliamentary Football Club, to attend the World Cup and play football matches for charity. I received match ticket, hospitality and coach transport from McDonald's, and hospitality and coach transport from National Grid. (Registered 29 August 2006)

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Prepared 27 February 2007