Register of Members' Interests Contents


PAICE, James (South East Cambridgeshire)
8.Land and Property
Smallholding in Cambridgeshire, which is my main home.
PAISLEY, Rev. Ian (North Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
PALMER, Dr. Nick (Broxtowe)
9.Registrable shareholdings
Millholt Investments Ltd; a family company owning a flat and some investments.
PATERSON, Owen (North Shropshire)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
In my capacity as Shadow Minister for Transport, I receive research assistance funded by Castle Rising Holdings Limited.
6.Overseas visits
12-13 June 2007, to Sweden, to a sustainability seminar in Stockholm and to an ethanol pilot plant at Örnsköldsvik. Return flight to Stockholm, one night's hotel accommodation, one domestic private charter flight and one domestic commercial flight paid for by the Ford Motor Company. (Registered 19 June 2007)
8.Land and Property
Buildings and agricultural land at Bunbury and Spurstow, Cheshire, from which rental income is received.
Buildings attached to my house near Ellesmere, Shropshire, from which rental income is received.
PEARSON, Ian (Dudley South)
PELLING, Andrew (Croydon Central)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Greater London Assembly Member.
Client relationship work for Tokai Tokyo Securities Europe Limited.
PENNING, Mike (Hemel Hempstead)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
My constituency party organisation has received donations in kind from:
March 2006, Cllr Andrew Williams, Hemel Hempstead
April 2006, Mr Jan Telensky, Flamstead
June 2006, Mr Jitesh Kaneria, Piccadilly Greetings Group Limited
(Registered 26 June 2006)
My constituency party organisation has received donations from:
August 2006, Champneys Health Resort, Wiggington
August 2006, Charles Bailey Estate Agents, Berkhamsted
(Registered 8 September 2006)
September 2006, Mr Raymond Dalton, Hemel Hempstead (personal donation)
(Registered 20 October 2006)
I have received donations in kind from:
December 2006, Mr Jitesh Kaneria, Piccadilly Greetings Group Ltd (Christmas cards)
December 2006, Mr Jan Telensky, Flamstead (computer equipment)
(Registered 18 December 2006)
6.Overseas visits
8-12 September 2006, to Gibraltar, as part of the delegation from the All-Party Parliamentary Gibraltar Group to attend National Day celebrations, as guest of the Gibraltar Government. (Registered 8 September 2006)
2-10 November 2006, to the Falklands Islands, as a guest of the Governor. All accommodation and flight expenses were met by the Governor of the Falklands. (Registered 12 January 2007)
PENROSE, John (Weston-Super-Mare)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I have received a deferred payment from Credit Market Analysis in respect of work done for the company in 2002-03, before my election to Parliament. (Registered 17 April 2007)
8.Land and Property
House in Somerset.
Part share of house in France.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(b)Logotron Ltd.
Credit Market Analysis, a financial information publishing company.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Non-executive chairman, Logotron Ltd; educational software company (unremunerated).
PICKLES, Eric (Brentwood and Ongar)
1.Remunerated directorships
Property Awards Limited (non-executive); standards in housing, construction and related support services.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Parliamentary Adviser to the Royal British Legion Industries. (£10,001-£15,000)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Printing of calendars and advice centre notices by International Property Magazine, of Chelmsford.
PLASKITT, James (Warwick and Leamington)
POPE, Greg (Hyndburn)
POUND, Stephen (Ealing North)
6.Overseas visits
7-11 February 2007, to India to visit outsourced operations in Bangalore and the UK Consular Entry Clearance Section in Mumbai. All travel and accommodation costs met by Norwich Union. (Registered 18 April 2007)
PRENTICE, Bridget (Lewisham East)
PRENTICE, Gordon (Pendle)
PRESCOTT, Rt. Hon. John (Kingston upon Hull East)
PRICE, Adam (Carmarthen East and Dinefwr)
6.Overseas visits
29 November-5 December 2006, to Caracas, for Venezuelan elections, as a member of an international monitoring team, paid for by Venezuelan Electoral Board. (Registered 17 April 2007)
PRIMAROLO, Dawn (Bristol South)
PRISK, Mark (Hertford and Stortford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Non-practising chartered surveyor.
6.Overseas visits
16-23 September 2006, to Hong Kong with the All-Party Parliamentary China Group, at the invitation and expense of the Hong Kong SAR Government. (Registered 26 September 2006)
PRITCHARD, Mark (The Wrekin)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
July 2006, on a private trip to Washington DC, my wife and I were upgraded by BA to Business Class on the outward journey and to Premier Economy on the return journey. (Registered 16 October 2006)
PROSSER, Gwyn (Dover)
8.Land and Property
Flat in London, from which rental income is received.
PUGH, John (Southport)
PURCHASE, Ken (Wolverhampton North East)
6.Overseas visits
15-21 September 2006, to Bahrain, as secretary of the UK-Bahrain All-Party Parliamentary Group and accompanied by my wife, to meet with elected members and government ministers in order to discuss matters of mutual interest and to study the electoral registration and voting arrangements for the forthcoming Bahrain elections. Travel and accommodation expenses met by the Bahrain Government. (Registered 22 September 2006)
PURNELL, James (Stalybridge and Hyde)

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