Register of Members' Interests Contents


YEO, Tim (South Suffolk)
1.Remunerated directorships
Univent PLC; operator of nursing homes for elderly people and domiciliary care agencies.
ITI Energy Limited; suppliers of gasification equipment.
AFC Energy; company developing alkaline fuel cell technology.
Groupe Eurotunnel SA (non-executive) (of which Eurotunnel plc is a wholly owned subsidiary); company managing the Channel Tunnel.
Eco City Vehicles plc; distributes and services London taxis.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional articles for Country Life magazine.
Fortnightly column in Weekend FT.
Management consultant giving advice on strategy and business to Regenesis Ltd; a California-based company which develops, manufactures and markets advanced technologies for the restoration or remediation of natural resources.
6.Overseas visits
4-10 November 2006, to California, US, to attend the annual Fall Conference of the Environmental Markets Association. My fare and accommodation was paid for by the Environmental Markets Association, a Washington based trade body. (Registered 15 November 2006)
16-19 November 2006, to Cuba, to visit Government officials. My fare and accommodation was paid for by Sherritt International, a Canadian mining and energy company. (Registered 21 November 2006)
4-8 January 2007, to Lebanon and Syria, to meet members of the Syrian and Lebanese governments, including in both countries the President and the Prime Minister, and parliamentarians. Accommodation and travel was provided by the Anglo Arab Organisation. (Registered 10 January 2007)
13-18 February 2007, to Washington DC, USA, to attend the meeting of the GLOBE G8+5 climate change dialogue in the Senate. My fare and three nights' accommodation were paid for by the Global Legislators Organisation. (Registered 8 March 2007)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Anacol Holdings Ltd.; a family investment company.
ITI Energy Limited.
(b)AFC Energy (share option).
Eco City Vehicles plc.
YOUNG, Rt. Hon. Sir George (North West Hampshire)
YOUNGER-ROSS, Richard (Teignbridge)
6.Overseas visits
31 March-6 April 2006, to Egypt, on fact-finding visit to meet parliamentarians and NGOs, at the invitation and expense of the Egyptian Government. (Registered 26 March 2007)
21-25 August 2006, to Israel and the Palestinian Territories, on fact-finding visit to meet parliamentarians and ministers, at the invitation and expense of the Universal Peace Federation, Interreligious and International Federation of World Peace, London. (Registered 26 March 2007)

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Prepared 6 November 2007