Register of Members' Interests Contents


PAICE, James (South East Cambridgeshire)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Donations made to Conservative Central Office by Mr Peter Hall, a businessman, help to provide staff who support me in my capacity as Shadow Minister for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (Registered 20 March 2008)
8.Land and Property
Smallholding in Cambridgeshire, which is my main home.
PAISLEY, Rev. Ian (North Antrim)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
First Minister of Northern Ireland (until March 2008).
PALMER, Dr. Nick (Broxtowe)
9.Registrable shareholdings
Millholt Investments Ltd; a family company owning a flat and some investments.
PATERSON, Owen (North Shropshire)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
In my capacity as Shadow Minister for Transport, I receive research assistance funded by Castle Rising Holdings Limited.
8.Land and Property
Buildings and agricultural land at Bunbury and Spurstow, Cheshire, from which rental income is received.
Buildings attached to my house near Ellesmere, Shropshire, from which rental income is received.
PEARSON, Ian (Dudley South)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
6 July 2008, hospitality for myself, wife and daughter at the British Grand Prix from Silverstone Holdings Ltd. (Registered 18 July 2008)
PELLING, Andrew (Croydon Central)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Client relationship work for Tokai Tokyo Securities Europe Limited.
PENNING, Mike (Hemel Hempstead)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
I have received donations in kind from:
March 2008, Mr Jitesh Kaneria, Piccadilly Greetings Group Ltd. (Registered 2 April 2008)
March 2008, Mr Andrew Williams, Hemel Hempstead. (Registered 16 April 2008)
April 2008, Mr Ralph Thornberry, Hemel Hempstead. (Registered 22 April 2008)
The salary of one member of my staff, and research activities, will be paid from a donation made by Metropolitan International Schools Ltd, London. (Registered 29 May 2008)
My constituency party organisation has received donations from:
April 2008, Mrs Miriam Wiedman-Smith. (Registered 21 May 2008)
April 2008, Mr Peter Baker, Harpenden. (Registered 22 April 2008)
June 2008, Mr William Cole, Hemel Hempstead. (Registered 14 July 2008)
October 2008, Mr William Cole, Hemel Hempstead. (Registered 14 November 2008)
December 2008, Mr David Thomas, Hemel Hempstead. (Registered 5 January 2009)
6.Overseas visits
5-7 January 2009, to Gibraltar, in my role as Shadow Minister for Health for visits and meetings with the Gibraltar Medical Service and the Royal Gibraltar Regiment. Inward and outward flights and two nights' accommodation were paid for by the Government of Gibraltar. (Registered 3 February 2009)
PENROSE, John (Weston-Super-Mare)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
The salary of a research assistant in my office is paid by Woodlands Estates Limited. (Registered 15 December 2008)
8.Land and Property
House in Somerset.
Part share of house in France.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(b)Logotron Ltd; educational software company, of which I am an unremunerated non-executive director.
PICKLES, Eric (Brentwood and Ongar)
1.Remunerated directorships
Property Awards Limited (non-executive); standards in housing, construction and related support services.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Parliamentary Adviser to the Royal British Legion Industries. (£10,001-£15,000)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Printing of calendars and advice centre notices by International Property Magazine, of Chelmsford.
Donations have been provided through Conservative Central Office to assist me with the employment of research staff from:
Mr Stephen Brook, businessman, London
Mr Richard Harrington, businessman, London
Mr Stephen Massey, businessman, London
(Registered 24 April 2008)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Two tickets for Wimbledon tennis on 5 July 2008 provided by Provident Financial, Bradford. (Registered 16 July 2008)
PLASKITT, James (Warwick and Leamington)
POPE, Greg (Hyndburn)
POUND, Stephen (Ealing North)
6.Overseas visits
10-17 February 2008, India, to Chennai, Hyderabad and Delhi, to meet State and National Ministers, industrialists, academics, representatives of business organisations and a visit to a DfID funded project. All transport, accommodation and meals provided by the Government of India. (Registered 11 July 2008)
9-13 January 2009, to Gujarat, India, with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on UK-India Trade and Investment to attend Investment Summit in Gujarat and study opportunities for increasing trade and investment between Gujarat and the UK. The costs of the trip were paid by the Confederation of Indian Industry. (Registered 11 February 2009)
PRENTICE, Bridget (Lewisham East)
8.Land and Property
Half-share of a flat in Spain.
PRENTICE, Gordon (Pendle)
PRESCOTT, Rt. Hon. John (Kingston upon Hull East)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Payment as part of contract with Headline Book Publishing for autobiographical book. (£65,001-£70,000) (Registered 4 March 2008)
Fee for speech at the Chartered Institute of Housing South East Conference in Brighton on 4 March 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) My travel costs were met by the conference organisers. (Registered 31 March 2008)
Fee for speech at the Chartered Institute of Housing South West Conference in Torquay on 10 April 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (Up to £5,000) My travel and accommodation costs were met by the conference organisers. (Registered 21 May 2008)
Payment as part of contract with Tiger Aspect Productions for programme entitled 'Prescott on Class'. (£15,001-£20,000) (Registered 2 July 2008)
Further payment as part of contract with from Headline Publishing for book entitled 'Pulling No Punches'. (£15,001-£20,000) (Registered 2 July 2008)
Fee for speech to the Institute of Travel and Tourism Annual Conference in Cyprus on 10 June 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) All travel and accommodation expenses for my wife and me were met by the Institute. (Registered 2 July 2008)
Fee for speech to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Annual Conference in Brighton on 17 June 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) All travel costs were met by the Institute. (Registered 2 July 2008)
Further payment as part of contract with Headline Book Publishers for my book 'Prezza-Pulling No Punches'. (£35,001-£40,000) (Registered 15 August 2008)
Fee for speech at Ernst and Young Yorkshire Fiscal Group at Harrogate on 18 September 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) (Registered 8 October 2008)
Further payment as part of contract with Tiger Aspect Productions for programme entitled 'Prescott on Class'. (£15,001-£20,000)
Fee for speech to PCSA International at the Café Royal, London, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) (Registered 30 October 2008)
Fee for speech at North Sound Radio in Aberdeen on 6 November 2008, arranged through JLA Associates. (£5,001-£10,000) My travel and overnight accommodation were paid for by North Sound Radio. (Registered 12 December 2008)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
2-5 October 2008, I took part in the 'Farewell' voyage of the QE2 as a guest of Cunard, including a ceremony at Liverpool Cathedral to present the Pennant of the QE2 to the City of Liverpool. Cunard paid for me to travel to Liverpool and for one night's accommodation in a hotel and two on the QE2. I was accompanied by a member of my staff who was provided with travel and one night's hotel accommodation. (Registered 30 October 2008)
6.Overseas visits
6-13 September 2008, to China; to Xiamen from 6-8 September to attend the China International Fair for International Trade (CFIT) Conference, with transfers, internal flights, hotel accommodation and hospitality provided by CFIT; to Beijing from 8-11 September to attend the UK China Leadership of the Future Forum as part of the UK delegation of the Great Britain China Centre, with transfers, hotel accommodation and hospitality provided by the UK China Forum; and to Inner Mongolia to visit areas of development, at the invitation of HE Ambassador Fu Ying, with internal flights, transfers, hotel accommodation and hospitality provided by the Chinese Government; external flights provided by the UK China Forum. (Registered 8 October 2008)
PRICE, Adam (Carmarthen East and Dinefwr)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Payment for weekly magazine article from Golwg Cyf. (Up to £5,000)
PRIMAROLO, Dawn (Bristol South)
PRISK, Mark (Hertford and Stortford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Non-practising chartered surveyor.
6.Overseas visits
17-23 April 2008, to San Francisco, to attend Web Mission 08. Hotel accommodation for six nights paid for by mission sponsors, who include HSBC plc, BT plc, Heller Ehrman LLP and TechCrunch. Flights and incidentals paid for by myself. (Registered 2 May 2008)
PRITCHARD, Mark (The Wrekin)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
I was upgraded from Economy Plus to Business on a BA flight from Washington to London on 17 September 2008 whilst returning from parliamentary business. (Registered 8 October 2008)
6.Overseas visits
24-28 May 2008, to the Sultanate of Oman, to meet with Government Ministers and officials to discuss UK/Omani defence and trade relations. Flights and accommodation for my wife and me were paid for by the Government of Oman. (Registered 2 June 2008)
28 November-5 December 2008, to the Philippines to examine the Mindanao peace process as a guest of the Philippines Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who paid my hotel and subsistence costs. (Registered 15 December 2008)
PROSSER, Gwyn (Dover)
8.Land and Property
Flat in London, from which rental income is received.
PUGH, John (Southport)
PURCHASE, Ken (Wolverhampton North East)
6.Overseas visits
12-19 September 2008, to Egypt, accompanied by my wife, for meetings with Ministers and Parliamentarians, at the invitation and expense of the People's Assembly. (Registered 22 September 2008)
31 October-3 November 2008, to Egypt, to attend Party Conference as an international observer at the invitation and expense of the National Democratic Party. (Registered 18 November 2008)
PURNELL, Rt Hon James (Stalybridge and Hyde)

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