Register of Members' Interests Contents


TAMI, Mark (Alyn and Deeside)
TAPSELL, Sir Peter (Louth and Horncastle)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
International adviser to Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation; a Japanese Trust Bank in both Japan and overseas.
Member of the Business Advisory Council for United Nations Operations.
TAYLOR, Dari (Stockton South)
6.Overseas visits
2-8 September 2007, to Israel and Palestine with Labour Friends of Israel (LFI). Travel and hospitality paid for by LFI. Accommodation paid for by LFI at a rate discounted through the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some hospitality provided by the Palestinian Legislative Council/Palestinian Authority. Travel within Israel/Palestine provided by LFI. Some travel within Israel provided by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Registered 9 June 2008)
26-28 August 2008, to Stavanger, Norway, to visit Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition on joint visit by the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry All-Party Parliamentary Group at Westminster and the Oil and Gas Cross Party Group at Holyrood. Overseas flights, hotel accommodation, local transport and hospitality sponsored by Oil & Gas UK, Shell, Chevron, Statoil Hydro, Wood Group, Conoco Phillips, Exxon Mobil, the Norwegian Embassy and OLF. (Registered 1 September 2008)
TAYLOR, David (North West Leicestershire)
TAYLOR, Ian (Esher and Walton)
1.Remunerated directorships
Fentiman Consultants Limited; management advisory services.
Next Fifteen Communications Group PLC (non-executive); public relations mainly for technology companies.
Speed-trap Limited (formerly Limited) (non-executive); e-commerce performance management.
AXA-Framlington Group Limited (non-executive); investment managers.
Avanti Communications Group plc (non-executive); supplier of satellite communications services.
Of Fentiman Consultants Limited:
LastMile Communications Ltd for advice on communication industry and spectrum
Pegasus Global Strategic Solutions; development of emerging security technologies.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Contributions to Esher and Walton Conservative Association solicited or encouraged by me from Disraeli Club.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
22-22 September 2008, one night's accommodation and a day's shooting as a guest of Avanti Communications plc. (Registered 23 September 2008)
2-3 November 2008, overnight stay and a day's shooting as a guest of Avanti Communications plc. (Registered 6 November 2008)
6.Overseas visits
11-14 October 2008, to Prague to attend the European Interparliamentary Space Conference. EADS Astrium and Inmarsat contributed to expenses of return flights and three nights' accommodation. (Registered 6 November 2008)
9-14 November 2008, to Cuba in my capacity as co-Chair of the Cuba Initiative organisation, which works to strengthen UK-Cuban trade relations. Flights and accommodation provided by the Caribbean Foundation, a charity, through the Cuba Initiative. Local hospitality provided by the Cuban Government. (Registered 26 November 2008)
29 November-7 December 2008, to Hyderabad, India, for the United Nationals Internet Governance Forum and to visit a number of high-tech companies. Nominet, the UK domain name registry, covered the cost of flights and well as some of the hotels and internal travel; the balance was paid by PITCOM (Parliamentary IT Committee). (Registered 22 December 2008)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Fentiman Consultants Limited. (I hold 50% and my wife 50%).
TAYLOR, Matthew (Truro and St. Austell)
8.Land and Property
Flat in London, from which rental income is received.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Taylor & Garner Ltd; company formed with my wife to undertake writing, broadcasting and consultancy work.
TAYLOR, Dr. Richard (Wyre Forest)
TEATHER, Sarah (Brent East)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
An intern sponsored by the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales from October 2008-July 2009. (Registered 23 October 2008)
Sponsorship of MP's Christmas Card 2008 by Bestway Holdings Plc, Park Royal, paid via Brent Liberal Democrats. (Registered 23 October 2008)
6.Overseas visits
5-8 April 2008, to Tromso and Longyearbyen in Arctic Circle, Norway, to meet scientists, officials and politicians to discuss the impact of climate change in the region and energy issues and relationships with Russia. The visit was at the invitation and expense of the Government of Norway. (Registered 23 April 2008)
22 August-7 September 2008, to Nigeria, to work as a volunteer through the Voluntary Service Overseas VolPols programme, as an advocacy adviser based in an education coalition called CSACEFA (civil society action coalition on education for all). Costs of the visit were met by VSO. (Registered 29 September 2008)
THOMAS, Gareth R. (Harrow West)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Two tickets for the FA Cup Final on 17 May 2008 from Ladbrokes plc. (Registered 16 June 2008)
THORNBERRY, Emily (Islington South and Finsbury)
8.Land and Property
Two-third interest in flat in Guildford, Surrey.
One-fifth interest in flat in South London.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Non-practising member of the chambers of Mike Mansfield QC.
THURSO, John (Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross)
1.Remunerated directorships
Chairman of:
International Wine and Spirit Competition Ltd; organisers annual wine and spirit competition.
Ulbster Holdings Ltd.; manages family estates in Scotland.
Thurso Fisheries Ltd; manages family estates in Scotland.
Director of three wholly owned subsidiaries of Ulbster Holdings Ltd:
Ulbster Estates (Sporting) Ltd.
Lochdhu Hotels Ltd.
Sinclair Family Trust Ltd.
Director of Millennium and Copthorne Hotels PLC; international hotel company.
8.Land and Property
Estate in Caithness.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Walker Greenbank PLC (2% of share capital is owned by Ulbster Holdings Ltd. which I own 100%).
Ulbster Holdings Ltd (which owns 100% of Lochdhu Hotels Ltd., Ulbster Estates (Sporting) Ltd and Sinclair Family Trust Ltd.)
Thurso Fisheries Ltd.
TIMMS, Stephen (East Ham)
TIMPSON, Edward (Crewe and Nantwich)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Consultant retained by Timpson Limited, providing general legal advice, mentoring and counselling.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Timpson Ltd has paid for the fitting out of my constituency office. (Registered 14 August 2008)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Barrister (non-practising).
TIPPING, Paddy (Sherwood)
1.Remunerated directorships
Non-executive Chairman of North Nottinghamshire LIFT Company Limited; company developing primary care estate in the region.
Non-executive Chairman of Greater Nottingham LIFT Company Limited; company developing primary care estate in the region.
TODD, Mark (South Derbyshire)
6.Overseas visits
14-19 September 2008, to USA on Parliamentary Study Visit, all related costs borne by Deutsche Bank. (Registered 25 September 2008)
8.Land and Property
Flat in London for which rental is received.
TOUHIG, Don (Islwyn)
TREDINNICK, David (Bosworth)
1.Remunerated directorships
Malden Mitcham Properties; family property and investment company.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Member of Lloyd's.
From 1 January 2001 all categories of business underwritten through Nameco (Number 532) Limited.
Resigned from Lloyd's October 2001, however I continue to have years of account which are open or in run-off.
TRICKETT, Jon (Hemsworth)
TRUSWELL, Paul (Pudsey)
TURNER, Andrew (Isle of Wight)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Loan of a Ford Galaxy vehicle for eight days from Premier Ford, Newport, for the purposes of carrying out my mobile summer surgery. (Registered 4 September 2008)
8.Land and Property
Half-share of flat in Cowes, Isle of Wight.
TURNER, Dr. Desmond (Brighton, Kemptown)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Receipt of a medical examination by Preventicum Ltd on 1 December 2008. (Registered 27 January 2009)
TURNER, Neil (Wigan)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Provision of office by Wigan MBC, rent abated to reflect the public services offered from the office and benefits to the community and the council from the use of the premises.
TWIGG, Derek (Halton)
TYRIE, Andrew (Chichester)
1.Remunerated directorships
Independent director of Rugby Estates, a publicly quoted property company.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Fees for articles in The Times. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 7 January 2009)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Honorary membership of Goodwood Country Club.
30 May-1 June 2008, attendance and contribution to a conference at Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire. Accommodation paid for by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. (Registered 4 June 2008)
19-22 September 2008, attendance at the Ryder Cup in the USA in my capacity as Secretary of the Parliamentary Golf Society. Travel and accommodation paid by Humana Europe, a healthcare services company. (Registered 23 September2008)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(b)Falconland Limited; a property investment company.
Veritas Asian Fund.

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