The Register of Members' Financial Interests Contents


IDDON, Dr. Brian (Bolton South East)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Fellow of and Parliamentary Adviser (unpaid) to the Royal Society of Chemistry.
ILLSLEY, Eric (Barnsley Central)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Parliamentary adviser to the Caravan Club. (£5,001-£10,000)
INGRAM, Rt. Hon. Adam (East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow)
1.Remunerated directorships
Non-executive Chairman of SignPoint Secure Ltd.; emergency communications. (£45,001-£50,000)
Adam Ingram Advisory Limited, set up May 2008, to undertake consultancy work, to which is payable income from the following:
Non-executive Chairman of Argus Scotland Ltd; design and construction services in the urban environment. (£20,001-£25,000). Payments to be made on an annual basis.
Director, International School for Security and Explosives Education (ISSEE) (non-executive). (£10,001-£15,000). Payments to be made on an annual basis.
Consultant to Argus Libya UK LLP; design and construction services in the urban environment. (£20,001-£25,000). Payments to be made on an annual basis.
Consultant to Electronic Data Systems Ltd (EDS); provision of IT services to public and private sector clients in the UK. (£50,001-£55,000)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
28 June 2009, visit to Biggin Hill Air Show as guest of BSkyB. Overnight stay, dinner and entry to the show for my wife and I. (Registered 30 June 2009)
6.Overseas visits
23-26 February 2009, to Bahrain, to participate in Bahrain Security Forum as speaker. Return flight, business class, and three nights accommodation in Bahrain funded by RUSI and the Kingdom of Bahrain. (Registered 3 March 2009)
8.Land and Property
Holiday home with rental income in West Glamorgan.

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