BACON, Richard (South Norfolk) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
|  | Initial part of advance on contract with Aurum Press to write a book connected with public expenditure and the management of central government and its agencies. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 May 2008) |
BAILEY, Adrian (West Bromwich West) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | A cottage in Cornwall from which rental income is received. |
BAIN, William (Glasgow North East) |
4. | Sponsorships |
| | Name of donor: Unite |
| | Address of donor: 35 King Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8JG. |
| | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1500 (donated to constituency association) |
| | Donor status: trade union. |
| | (Registered 7 December 2009) |
BAIRD, Vera (Redcar) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 20-22 May 2008, to Australia, to address a conference on domestic violence in Canberra. Return flights to Australia and accommodation in Canberra paid for by the ACT Government. (Registered 18 June 2008) |
BAKER, Norman (Lewes) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fees from the Centre for Management and Policy Studies for lectures given to civil servants. |
| | Ongoing income from royalties for publication of book entitled 'The Strange Death of David Kelly'. |
| | 27 July 2009, received payment of £200 for giving talk and taking questions at event organised by Glastonbury Symposium, 16 Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, BA6 8BD. Hours: 1hr 30mins. (Registered 10 August 2009) |
| | 3 August 2009, received payment of £50 for telephone interview with FACTS International Ltd, Facts Centre, 3 Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8FL. Hours: 30mins. (Registered 7 August 2009) |
| | 14 July 2009, received payment of £150 for speaking and taking questions at seminar organised by Dods Parliamentary Communications, Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SP. Hours: 1hr. (Registered 5 August 2009) |
| | 30 July 2009, received payment of £50 for taking part in a TV talk/debate show arranged by Press TV Ltd, Level 1, Westgate House, West Gate, Ealing, London, W5 1YY. Hours: 1.5hrs. (Registered 28 August 2009) |
| | 11 August 2009, received payment of £155.40 (of which £5.40 was reimbursement for travel expenses), from the National School of Government, Sunningdale Park, Larch Avenue, Ascot, SL5 0QE, for speaking and taking questions on the topic of Parliamentary Questions. Hours: 1hr. (Registered 3 September 2009) |
| | 1 September 2009, received payment of £350 from News International Supply Company Ltd, PO Box 151, Peterborough, PE7 8YT, for writing an article. Hours: 1hr. (Registered 3 September 2009) |
| | 12 October 2009, received payment of £1000 for an article published in the Daily Mail. Address: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London W8 5TT. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 22 October 2009) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 6-11 September 2008, to Dharamsala, India, to visit the Tibetan Government-in-exile in my capacity as the Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet and as President of the Tibet Society. The costs of my travel were met by the Tibet Society and my accommodation by the Tibetan Government-in-exile. (Registered 2 October 2008) |
BALDRY, Tony (Banbury) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Chairman (non-executive), Westminster Oil Limited; a BVI registered company, development of oil licences and exploration. |
| | West African Investments Ltd; investing in infrastructure and natural resource projects in Sierra Leone and elsewhere in West Africa. |
| | Halcyon Oil Limited; a Hong Kong registered company focusing on oil exploration and discovery projects in Central Asia. |
| | Partner Capital Ltd (non-executive); an FSA regulated equity fund (December 2008-May 2009). |
| | Mastermailer Holdings plc; development of stationery and stationery products. I am a non-executive director, and my duties involve attending board meetings. |
| |  | Received payment of £5000 covering a period of six months. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 29 October 2009) |
| | Deputy Chairman, Woburn Energy plc, 16 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0AF; AIM listed company specialising in oil exploration and recovery. Work includes attending meetings and advising on business opportunities. |
| | | Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours worked: 4hrs. (Registered 31 July 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours worked: 3hrs. (Registered 28 August 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours worked: 4hrs. (Registered 25 September 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £3333.33. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 27 October 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £3333.33. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 27 November 2009) |
| | TimeC 1176 Limited, 23 Grafton Street, London, W1S 4EY (non-executive); investment holding company. Attend meetings and advise on business opportunities. |
| | | Received director's fee of £2083.33. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 21 July 2009) |
| | | Received director's fee of £2083.33. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 14 September 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £2083.33. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 27 October 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £4166.66. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 27 October 2009) |
| | Taha & Partners Ltd (non-executive); investment and business development in Iraq. Address: Barbican House, 26 - 34 Old Street, London EC1V 9QR. Work includes attending meetings and advising on business opportunities. |
| | | Received director's fee of £5,000. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 5 November 2009) |
| | | Received director's fee of £5000. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 4 December 2009) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Practising barrister, arbitrator and mediator. |
| | Zaiwalla & Co., solicitors. Address: Sarosh Zaiwalla Esq., Zaiwalla & Co., 46-47 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1JE. |
| | | Received fee of £22,012.57 for advising clients. Hours: 16 hrs. (Registered 28 September 2009) |
| | | Received fee of £10,000 for advising clients. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 11 November 2009) |
| | Executive Partner in Diamond Film Partnership; a UK partnership promoting UK film and television production rights. |
| | Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Curve Capital Ventures Ltd; a sector neutral investment company that predominantly invests in India, China and Africa and advises companies on strategic growth and global expansion. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | I employ a research assistant who receives some funding direct from the Lighting Industry Federation, solely in connection with work that she does in support of the Associate All-Party Lighting Group. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 16-18 May 2009, to Baghdad, for meeting with Ministers and others and an update on the present situation in Iraq, sponsored by the Islamic Dawa Party. (Registered 21 May 2009) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | A cottage in Oxfordshire. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Carbon Registry Services Ltd. |
| | | West African Investments Ltd. |
| | | Halcyon Oil Limited |
| | (b) | 3DM PLC |
| | | Petroquest Ltd (owns shares in Westminster Oil Limited) |
| | | Mastermailer plc; supplier of secure stationery |
| | | Woburn Energy plc. |
| | | Target Resources plc; gold and diamond mining in Sierra Leone |
11. | Miscellaneous |
| | Shareholding of below registrable value in Carbon Registry Services Ltd. |
BALLS, Rt Hon Ed (Normanton) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | I receive support from a local company, Eleventeenth, who host my web-site at below market rates. |
BANKS, Gordon (Ochil and South Perthshire) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Cartmore Building Supply Co Ltd, Cartmore Industrial Estate, Lochgelly, Fife. Builders' merchant. Work includes: attending meetings; reviewing management accounts; reviewing company procedures; performance and processes; management of staff; and, management of stock control and IT development. |
| | | 27th July 2009, received salary payment of £3,500 gross (£1,767.36 nett) for July, also had use of company car and fuel. Hours: 25.5 hours. (Registered 4 August 2009) |
| | | 27 August 2009, received salary payment of £3,500 gross (£1,767.36 nett) for the period 1-31 August 2009. I also had use of company car and fuel. Hours: 15 hours. (Registered 9 September 2009) |
| | | 24 September 2009, received salary payment of £3,500 gross (£1,767.36 nett) for the period 1-30 September 2009. I also had use of a company car and fuel for this period. Hours: 23 hours. (Registered 12 October 2009) |
| | | 29 October 2009, received salary payment of £3,500 gross (£1,767.36 nett) for the period 1-30 October 2009. I also had use of a company car and fuel for this period. Hours: 21 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2009) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | Name of donor: National House-Building Council |
| | Address of donor: NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK5 8FP. |
| | Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £919.83 |
| | Destination of visit: Stockholm and Malmo |
| | Date of visit: 24 - 26 September 2009 |
| | Purpose of visit: to view environmentally-friendly housing and understand how redevelopment of areas has been generated with sustainability as a primary concern. |
| | (Registered 21 October 2009) |
BARKER, Gregory (Bexhill and Battle)` |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Director, Flare View Ltd.; property investment company holding freehold property let to commercial tenants. |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Operating adviser to Pegasus Capital Advisors LP, 505 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022, USA. |
| | | Payment of £4,993 from Pegasus Capital Advisors LP. Hours worked: 12.5. (Registered 27 July 2009) |
| | | Payment of £9978 for August and September. Hours: 28 hrs. (Registered 22 October 2009) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | From 23 November 2008-13 March 2009, a volunteer was seconded to my office by Woodlands Estates Limited to assist with my shadow ministerial responsibilities for Climate Change. (Registered 20 November 2008) |
| | I have received a donation from Mrs N L Eckert, of Hailsham, East Sussex, in my capacity as Shadow Minister for Climate Change to assist with the funding of research and campaign work. (Registered 26 March 2009) |
| | I have received a donation from Summerleaze Ltd to meet the cost of two Woodchip and Biofuel Seminars I organised in my capacity as Shadow Minister for Climate Change. (Registered 16 June 2009) |
| | At a recent event for the Climate Campaign (from which I receive support for my office including the use of a researcher), in my capacity as Shadow Minister for Climate Change, sponsorship and material support was received as shown below. Total profit from the event was £5,480.71. (Registered 27 July 2009) |
| | | Name of donor: Green Tomato Cars Limited |
| | | Address of donor : Serendib House, 67A Barton Manor Rd, Brentford TW8 9SQ |
| | | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: 200 'recycle kits' for the Climate Campaign summer drinks party valued at £1,600. |
| | | Date of receipt of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Date of acceptance of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Donor status: Company, registration number 05276431 |
| | | (Registered 27 July 2009) |
| | | Name of donor: ASDA Stores Limited |
| | | Address of donor : ASDA House, South Bank, Great Wilson St, Leeds LS11 5AD |
| | | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Sponsorship of the Climate Campaign summer drinks party, including venue hire, refreshments, staff, valued at £7,500 |
| | | Date of receipt of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Date of acceptance of donation: 3 July 2009 |
| | | Donor status: Company, registration number 00464777 |
| | | (Registered 27 July 2009 ) |
| | | Name of donor: Simon J Lycett Limited |
| | | Address of donor : Arch 272, Bethwin Road, London 5ES OYW |
| | | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Flower arrangements for the Climate Campaign summer drinks party, valued at £1,001 |
| | | Date of receipt of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Date of acceptance of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Donor status: Company, registration number 04056639 |
| | | (Registered 27 July 2009 ) |
| | | Name of donor: Organic Tea Limited |
| | | Address of donor : 64 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 OAS |
| | | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: 200 boxes of tea for the Climate Campaign summer drinks party, valued at £1,150 |
| | | Date of receipt of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Date of acceptance of donation: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Donor status: Company, registration number 06234649 |
| | | (Registered 27 July 2009) |
| | | Name of donor: Summerleaze Limited |
| | | Address of donor: 7 Summerleaze Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 8SP |
| | | Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets to the Climate Campaign Summer Drinks Party, valued at £150. |
| | | Date of receipt: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Date of acceptance: 29 June 2009 |
| | | Donor status: Company, registration number 01738920 |
| | | (Registered 27 July 2009) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Transport to and from Gleneagles, Scotland, as keynote speaker at the IG renewables forum on 23 March 2009, provided by Emap networks. (Registered 9 April 2009) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 29 November-4 December 2008, to Brazil to look at rain forest issues in my capacity as Shadow Climate Change Minister; cost of return business class flight to Brazil and economy class internal flights was met by Woodland Estates Limited. (I paid for my own accommodation and other expenses.) (Registered 23 December 2008) |
| | 29 March-1 April 2009, to Washington DC, to participate in the GLOBE International Commission on Climate + Energy Security. Hotels, hospitality and flights provided by Globe International. (Registered 9 April 2009) |
| | Name of donor: |
| | | (1) Fresh Direct Limited |
| | | (2) New Zealand National Party |
| | Address of donor: |
| | | (1) Clemow Drive, Mt Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand. |
| | | (2) PO Box 1155, Wellington, New Zealand. |
| | Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): |
| | | (1) £1364.76 |
| | | (2) £73.21 |
| | Destination of visit: Rotorua, New Zealand. |
| | Date of visit: 30 September to 3 October 2009 |
| | Purpose of visit: to attend and speak at the National Party Blue-Green Conference |
| | (Registered 29 October 2009) |
| | Name of donor: Globe UK All-Party Parliamentary Group |
| | Address of donor: 11 Dartmouth Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9BN. |
| | Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1071.83 |
| | Destination of visit: Copenhagen, Denmark |
| | Date of visit: 23 - 25 October 2009 |
| | Purpose of visit: to attend the Globe Copenhagen Legislators' Forum (jointly hosted by the Danish Parliament and Globe UK APPG). |
| | (Registered 5 November 2009) |
| | Name of donor: Globe UK All-Party Parliamentary Group |
| | Address of donor: 11 Dartmouth Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9BN |
| | Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,883.20 |
| | Destination of visit: New Delhi, India |
| | Date of visit: 8-11 November 2009 |
| | Purpose of visit: planning visit to re-launch Globe India and establish a strong legislative group to advance climate legislation in the Parliament of India |
| | (Registered 20 November 2009) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Freehold commercial business park property in East Anglia, from which I receive rental income. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Flare View Ltd. |
| | (b) | Quester VCT 5 PLC |
| | | Close Technology and General VCT PLC |
| | | New European Property Holdings Ltd. (NEPH) |
| | | Igroland Ltd; owns and operates children's entertainment centres in Ukraine. |
| | | Penna plc |
| | | Hedleigh Mayfair Limited; property investment in London W1. |
BARLOW, Celia (Hove) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 24-26 May 2009, to Vietnam as member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vietnam, to further co-operation with our counterpart parliamentary group. The cost of external and internal flights and accommodation was paid by the Group's registered sponsors, Premier Oil and the University of Central Lancashire. The National Assembly of Vietnam paid for ground travel costs and some hospitality. (Registered 9 June 2009) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Freehold house in Witterings from which rental income has been received from January 2007. |
BARON, John (Billericay) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Stewardship of investment portfolios for Newtons, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London. |
| | | Received £7,206.32. Hours: 15hrs. (Registered 15 September 2009) |
| | | Received £7990. Hours: 15.4 hrs. (Registered 19 November 2009) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Investment residential properties in London from which rental income is received. |
| | Second home in the constituency which doubles as the office. |
BARRETT, John (Edinburgh West) |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | A.B.C. Productions Ltd.; commercial property leasing. |
BARRON, Kevin (Rother Valley) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Board membership and speaking engagements for Centre for Parliamentary Studies. (Up to £5,000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 16-22 February 2009, to Uganda at the invitation of the Malaria Consortium to see how malaria was being combated in the country. Flights and in-country costs were paid by the Malaria Consortium. (Registered 24 February 2009) |
BATTLE, John (Leeds West) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 12-19 September 2008, to Egypt, accompanied by my wife, for meetings with Ministers and Parliamentarians, at the invitation and expense of the People's Assembly. (Registered 22 September 2008) |
BAYLEY, Hugh (City of York) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | I sponsor a parliamentary pass for a research assistant paid by the Royal African Society to enable her to work in support of the Africa All-Party Parliamentary Group, which I chair. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | A residential property in London from which income is received. |
11. | Miscellaneous |
| | Chair of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank (PNoWB) (unpaid). |
BECKETT, Rt. Hon. Margaret (Derby South) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | 14-16 June 2008 I went to Japan, accompanied by a member of staff, to address a conference on the security implications of climate change. I received a fee (Up to £5,000), and first class travel, paid by Asahi Shimbun newspaper. (Registered 13 February 2009) |
BEGG, Anne (Aberdeen South) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fee of £75 received from Ipsos MORI for completion of survey. Hours: 1 hr. Ipsos MORI address: 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY. (Registered 4 October 2009) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 26-28 August 2008, to Stavanger, Norway, to visit Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition on joint visit by the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry All-Party Parliamentary Group at Westminster and the Oil and Gas Cross Party Group at Holyrood. Overseas flights, hotel accommodation, local transport and hospitality sponsored by Oil & Gas UK, Shell, Chevron, Statoil Hydro, Wood Group, Conoco Phillips, Exxon Mobil, the Norwegian Embassy and OLF. (Registered 2 September 2008) |
| | Name of donor: Total E&P UK |
| | Address of donor: Crawpeel Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3FG |
| | Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,154 |
| | Destination of visit: Lacq, southwest France |
| | Date of visit: 16-17 July 2009 |
| | Purpose of visit: to visit Total's Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) demonstration plant in Lacq as a member of the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry All Party Parliamentary Group. I was accompanied by a member of my staff. |
| | (Registered 21July 2009) |
BEITH, Rt. Hon. Sir Alan (BerwickuponTweed) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | I gave an after dinner talk to friends of Harris Manchester College, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TD and received book tokens. Value: £100. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 16 July 2009) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | My constituency party received the profit from an event held in the constituency in June 2008 to commemorate my 35 years as an MP. (Registered 11 February 2009) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 24-27 September 2008, to Oslo and Stavanger, Norway, with members of the All-Party British-Norwegian Group, as a guest of the Norwegian Government who met the costs of the visit. (Registered 8 October 2008) |
| | 4-8 May 2009, to Finland, to meet Finnish Members of Parliament for discussions on issues affecting both countries and the Finnish prison service relating to the training of prison officers. My accommodation, hospitality and local travel within Finland was provided by the Finnish Parliament. (My travel to Finland was funded under the House of Commons European Travel scheme.) (Registered 11 May 2009) |
11. | Miscellaneous |
| | Chairman of the Historic Chapels Trust. |
BELL, Sir Stuart (Middlesbrough) |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | SpenView Ltd.; private holding company which owns the shares of SpenView Communications Ltd, SpenView Publications Ltd. |
11. | Miscellaneous |
| | Barrister (non-practising). |
BELLINGHAM, Henry (North West Norfolk) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Glencara Estate Company; private company unlimited with share capital which owns commercial and agricultural land. |
| | Lansdowne Advisory Ltd.; business consultancy. |
| | Environmental Recycling Technologies PLC (non-executive); Keble House, South Leigh, Oxfordshire OX29 6UR, AIM-listed company specialising in research and development into waste and recycling technologies. Work includes analysing documents, speaking to executive directors and carrying out duties as a non-executive director in line with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance. |
| | | Received payment of £1,073.23 net. Hours: 10 hours. (Registered 24 November 2009) |
| | Consolidated Asset Management Holdings Plc (non-executive), (formerly Arc Fund Management Holdings Plc); AIM listed Financial Services Company. Address: 58 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 8HW. Work includes attending board meetings, reading and analysing documents and speaking to directors. |
| | | Received payment of £1041. Hours: 10hrs. (Registered 19 August 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £1041 (net £625.26). Hours: 6.5 hours. (Registered 12 October 2009) |
| | | Received payment of £566.42 net. Hours: 7 hours. (Registered 24 November 2009) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Former member of Lloyds (resigned 1999. Reinsured into Equitas.) |
| | Non-practising barrister-at-law. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Forestry and arable land in Norfolk. |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Glencara Estate Co. Ltd. |
| | | Lansdowne Advisory Ltd. |
| | | Longborough Capital PLC. |
BENN, Hilary (Leeds Central) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Part-owner of house in London. |
BENTON, Joe (Bootle) |
| Nil. |
BENYON, Richard (Newbury) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Chairman of the Directors of Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Limited, the trustee of various family trusts (see Categories 8 and 9), in all of which either I or members of my wider family have beneficial interests. |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Bottle of port received for speaking at supper event for the Vale Branch of Wantage Conservative Association. Hours: 3 hrs. Estimated value: £10. (Registered 13 July 2009). |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Landholdings in Hampshire and Berkshire (some in my constituency) comprising farmland, residential and commercial property, some potential development land, woodlands and gravel workings, for some of which rent is received. |
| | Residential and commercial property in Hackney, for which rent is received. |
| | Rural land and property in Inverness-shire. |
| | | The majority of property in these estates is held in family trusts in the trusteeship of Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Limited (see Category 1). |
11. | Miscellaneous |
| | I am unremunerated director of the Englefield Charitable Trust. |
BERCOW, John (Buckingham) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fees for speeches to the National School of Government. (Up to £5,000) |
| | Adviser to the Board of Priory Holdings Company No 1 Limited. (£35,001-£40,000). Resigned in June 2009. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 14-19 September 2008, to New York and Washington, USA, to meet with representatives of the US financial sector and from the Presidential campaigns. My flights, accommodation and meals were provided by Deutsche Bank. (Registered 24 September 2008) |
BERESFORD, Sir Paul (Mole Valley) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Employed as part-time dental surgeon for Beresford Dental Practice Limited. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Private accommodation and surgery, London . |
BERRY, Roger (Kingswood) |
| Nil. |
BETTS, Clive (Sheffield, Attercliffe) |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Sheffield City Council provide me with an office at a reduced charge which contributes towards rent and rates. Staff, furniture, telephone and cleaning costs are paid by myself; heating and lighting is provided by the Council. |