The Register of Members' Financial Interests Contents


ABBOTT, Diane (Hackney North and Stoke Newington)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
January 2009, fees as a presenter for BBC One's 'This Week' programme, ongoing. (Actual £2,517) (Up to £5,000) (Registered 16 February 2009)
February 2009, fees as a presenter for BBC One's 'This Week' programme, ongoing. (Actual £3,356) (Up to £5,000) (Registered 23 March 2009)
March 2009, fees for articles in the Guardian and the Observer, ongoing. (Actual £1,250) (Up to £5,000) (Registered 24 March 2009)
Fees received for co-presenting BBC's "This Week" TV programme. Address: BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ.
March 2009, received £3356. (Registered 27 January 2010)
April 2009, received £839. (Registered 27 January 2010)
May 2009, received £2517. (Registered 27 January 2010)
June 2009, received £3356. (Registered 27 January 2010)
July 2009, received £2517. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
October 2009, received £2517. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
November 2009, received £3356. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
December 2009, received £1678. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
January 2010, received £2517. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
Lecture fees received from Arcadia University. Address: 450 S. Easton Rd., Glenside, PA 19038, USA.
September 2009, received £900. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
January 2010, received £600. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
September 2009, received fee of £900 for taking part in ITV programme "The Other Side". Address: ITV plc, The London Television Centre, Upper Ground, London SE1 9LT. Hours: 24 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
October 2009, fee of £1000 for speaking at the Royal College of Surgeons' Conference entitled "Women in Surgery". Address: The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE. Hours: 2.5 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
November 2009, fee of £1000 for speaking at the Health Foundation Conference entitled "Shared Leadership in Health Inequalities". Address: Health Foundation, 90 Long Acre, London WC2E 9RA. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
January 2010, fee of £5000 for speaking at Legal & General Annual Staff Convention. Address of payer: Speakers Corner, 207 High Road, London N2 8AN. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
November 2009, fee of £750 for appearing on Pett TV Production of ITV TV programme "All Star Impressions Show". Address: Pett Productions Ltd, Ground Floor, Fintrax House, Station Road North, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3ED. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 27 January 2010)
Articles written for The Guardian. Address: Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.
Fees received for articles written between March and June 2009. (Registered 27 January 2010)
06 July 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
10 July 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
23 July 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
27 July 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
10 August 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
26 August 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
07 September 2009, payment of £100. Hours: 1 hour. (Registered 27 January 2010)
13 October 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
05 November 2009, payment of £50. Hours: 30 minutes. (Registered 27 January 2010)
07 December 2009, payment of £285. Hours: 2 hours. (Registered 27 January 2010)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Smithville Associates; training consultancy.
ADAMS, Gerry (Belfast West)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The hours are difficult to calculate as the roles of MP and MLA are often combined.
29 July 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
26 August 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
28 September 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
28 October 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
26 November 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
18 December 2009, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
27 January 2010, gross monthly salary of £3591.75 (Registered 2 February 2010)
Writer for Belfast Media Group, Teach Basil, 2 Hannaghstown Hill, Belfast, BT17 0LT.Write a weekly column for Andersontown News; a weekly blog; and, a monthly column for Irish Echo in New York.
July 2009, received payment of £800. Payment relates to work carried out in June 2009. Hours: 18hrs. (Registered 31 July 2009).
26 August 2009, received payment of £800. Payment relates to work carried out in July 2009. Hours: 18hrs. (Registered 23 September 2009)
6 October 2009. Received a payment of £800. Payment relates to work carried out in September 2009. Hours: 18 hrs. (27 November 2009)
4 November 2009 Received a payment of £800. Payment relates to work carried out in October 2009. Hours: 18 hrs. (27 November 2009)
3 December 2009, received £817.39 for work done in November 2009. Hours: 18 hrs. (Registered 2 February 2010)
5 January 2010, received £817.39 for work done in December 2009. Hours: 18 hrs. (Registered 2 February 2010)
12 January 2010, received a payment of £5000 (with £5000 to follow) from Pioneer Productions, 32 Galena Road, London W6 OLT, for work on a television documentary. The work included a week spent in the Holy Land/Middle East and approximately 44 hours in Ireland. (Registered 2 February 2010)
8.Land and Property
Residential property, jointly owned with my wife, in South of Ireland.
AFRIYIE, Adam (Windsor)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
£750 donation to charity made by Deloitte MCS Ltd, for speech by me to a staff meeting at the company. Company address: Hill House, 1 Little New Street, London, EC4A 3TR. Hours: 1 hr 30mins. (Registered 2 July 2009)
£700 donation to charity made by Policy Exchange for speech by me at a private breakfast for Cubitt Consulting. Company address: 10 Storey's gate, London SW1P 3AY. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins. (Registered 15 December 2009)
Name of donor: Irina Savelieva
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £275 and £1175 (total: £1450) for subscriptions to separate local clubs that are associated with the constituency association. The donations were made to the constituency association.
Donor status: individual
(Registered 18 December 2009)
8.Land and Property
Flat in London.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Adfero Ltd; news and information services company.
Connect Support Services Ltd; IT services company.
Brafton Incorporated; news and information services company.
AINGER, Nick (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)
AINSWORTH, Bob (Coventry North East)
AINSWORTH, Peter (East Surrey)
ALEXANDER, Danny (Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey)
ALEXANDER, Douglas (Paisley and Renfrewshire South)
ALLEN, Graham (Nottingham North)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I was until 1 April 2009 the Chair of One Nottingham, which is Nottingham's regeneration board. (Up to £5,000)
Received £630 for preparing and giving two lectures to American students in the UK. Address of payer: Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, California 90045-2659, USA. Hours: 32 hrs. (Registered 24 November 2009)
AMESS, David (Southend West)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Parliamentary Adviser to the Caravan Club, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1UA. (£5,001-£10,000)
Received payment of £6,000 on 21 December 2009. Hours: 100 hrs. (Registered 7 January 2010)
6.Overseas visits
4-11 April 2009 to China as a guest of the Chinese Association of Friendship and Understanding. Accommodation and food paid for by the Association and flight sponsored by Mr Maurice Bennett; businessman, London. (Registered 13 April 2009)
15-20 February 2009, to Israel on a parliamentary delegation, paid for by Conservative Friends of Israel and the Government of Israel. (Registered 27 April 2009)
Name of donor: Maldives Government
Address of donor: Maldives Government Offices, Maldives
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): less than £5,000
Destination of visit: Maldives
Date of visit: 24 August-2 September 2008
Purpose of visit: to meet parliamentarians and advise on good practice in election procedures, as a member of the All-Party British-Maldives Parliamentary Group.
(Registered 15 September 2009)
Trustee of the Industry and Parliament Trust.
Chairman of the Industry and Parliament Fellowship Committee.
ANCRAM, Rt. Hon. Michael (Devizes)
A business lunch in my constituency under my name which raised money for constituency funds from numerous small donations. (Registered 6 July 2009)
8.Land and Property
Tenanted farm in Roxburghshire, Scotland, from which rental income is received.
Non-active partner in Nisbet Mill Farm partnership from which no payment has been received in the last year and none in the current farming year which starts June 2009.
ANDERSON, David (Blaydon)
6.Overseas visits
29 January-1 February 2009, to New York, USA, to attend Global Peace Conference. The costs of my flights, food and accommodation were met by Universal Peace Federation. (Registered 2 March 2009)
ANDERSON, Janet (Rossendale and Darwen)
ARBUTHNOT, Rt. Hon. James (North East Hampshire)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Non-practising barrister.
Member of Lloyd's (resigned as from 31 December 2002).
Categories of business underwritten until resignation - CBS Private Capital Ltd.: All categories.
Received flowers (value £40) for giving an after-dinner speech on 21 October 2009. Hours: 2.25 hrs. Address of payer: ICAP Securities Limited, 2 Broadgate, London EC2M 7UR. (Registered 2 November 2009)
6.Overseas visits
Name of donor: Conservative Friends of Israel
Address of donor: 45B Westbourne Terrace, London W2 3UR
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £900
Destination of visit: Israel
Date of visit: 31 August to 3 September 2009
Purpose of visit: As Chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel, I went to Israel to meet politicians, industrialists and academics.
(Registered 7 October 2009)
8.Land and Property
Two flats in London, both providing rental income.
Chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel (unremunerated).
ARMSTRONG, Rt Hon Hilary (Durham, North West)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of advisory board of GovNet Communications. (£5,001-£10,000)
Member of Advisory Board of Sita UK (from 1 January 2010). (£5,001-£10,000)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
I attended six matches at the Stadium of Light, three accompanied by my husband, as guest of the Chairman of Sunderland AFC, during the 2008-09 season. (Registered 17 June 2009)
ATKINS, Charlotte (Staffordshire Moorlands)
ATKINSON, Peter (Hexham)
AUSTIN, Ian (Dudley North)
AUSTIN, John (Erith and Thamesmead)
Director (unremunerated), Council for the Advancement of Arab British Understanding.

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