The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 6th September 2010
SMITH, Henry (Crawley)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
County Councillor and Leader of the Council (until 28 May 2010), West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RQ.
As Leader of West Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Councillor, received in May £3,481.17. Hours: 150hrs that month between roles. (Registered 27 July 2010)
As West Sussex County Councillor, received in June £919.17. Hours: 30hrs. (Registered 27 July 2010)
As West Sussex County Councillor, received in July £919.17. Hours: 30hrs (Registered 27 July 2010)
Local Government Representative to Local Government Association, LGA House, Smith Square, London SW1.
In May, received £216.14. Hours: 5hrs (Registered 27 July 2010)
In June, received £216.14. Hours: 5hrs (Registered 27 July 2010)
In July, received £216.14. Hours: 5hrs (Registered 27 July 2010)
4. Sponsorships
Name of donor: Giles Pritchard Gordon
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: 2 donations; value £10,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: Maurice Saatchi
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: John Davidson
Address of donor: R L Davidson & Co Ltd, Lloyds Insurance Brokers, Bury House, 31 Bury Street, London EC3A 5AH
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: Julia Unwin
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: Michael Hodgson
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: Alison Donnithorne-Tait
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
Name of donor: David Coldman
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 3 June 2010)
8. Land and Property
Flat in West Sussex, from which rental income is received.
Half ownership of holiday property in Cornway.