Session 2010-11
Publications on the internet

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 8th November 2010

FREEMAN, George (Mid Norfolk)

1. Directorships

4D Biomedical Ltd, 21 Hill St, Feltwell, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 4AB; biomedical innovation advisory business.

30 May 2010, I received £1,500 as a monthly drawing on the business. The company also paid £159.70 for life assurance cover for me. (Registered 9 August 2010)

30 June 2010, I received £1,500 as a monthly drawing on the business. The company also paid £159.70 for life assurance cover for me. (Registered 9 August 2010)

Iceni Advisory Ltd (non-executive), University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk R4 7TJ; the Advisory Board of the Iceni Seed Challenge Fund set up to support the commercialisation of new technologies.

Payment of £2,389.95 as consultancy fees, plus mileage and VAT, for February to July 2010. (Registered 15 September 2010)

Elsoms Seeds Ltd, Spalding, Lincs PE11 1QG; agricultural and horticultural seeds business.

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

I provide strategic support to the Technology Practice of PA Consulting, Cambridge Technology Centre, Melbourn, Royston, herts SG8 6DP. This company has taken over all client engagement and business development work for 4D Biomedical Ltd (see Category 1 above).

At a barbeque given by Morrison’s on 13 July 2010 at Westminster Abbey Gardens I was given a small hamper, the value of which did not exceed £50. Hours: 1 hour. (Registered 22 July 2010)

At a meeting on 22 July 2010 of the Prince’s Countryside Fund Launch at St James’s Palace I was given a small gift bag, the value of which did not exceed £10. Hours: 3 hours. (Registered 22 July 2010)

During a visit to Banham Poultry, Station Road, Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 2AT, I was presented with a box of chicken pieces, value £25. (Registered 15 September 2010)

24 June 2010, received £75 from ComRes, 4 Millbank, London, SW1P 3JA, for taking part in Parliamentary Panel Survey in May 2010. Hours: 20 mins. Payment donated to charity. (Registered 15 September 2010)

4. Sponsorships

(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:

Name of donor: Mr A Green

Address of donor: private

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: 2 donations; total £5,563

Donor status: individual

(Registered 9 June 2010)

Name of donor: Mrs R J Macaire

Address of donor: private

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500

Donor status: individual

(Registered 9 June 2010)

8. Land and Property

Flat in London. I receive rent from this and for office space in my main home.

9. Shareholdings

(a) 4D Biomedical Ltd.