Session 2010-11
Publications on the internet

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 8th November 2010

JAMIESON, Cathy (Kilmarnock and Loudoun)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Member of Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EM99 1SP. I receive one third of an MSP’s salary which I will donate to charity.

June 2010, gross salary received of £1,411.89. Hours: 100 hrs.

July 2010, gross salary received of £1,411.89. Hours: 100 hrs.

August 2010, gross salary received of £1,411.89. Hours: 100 hrs.

September 2010, gross salary received of £1,411.89. Hours: 100 hrs.

(Registered 10 October 2010)