The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 8th November 2010
ROBINSON, Geoffrey (Coventry North West)
1. Remunerated directorships
New Statesman Limited (chairman). Duties in addition to those of chairman include advising magazine about its outward facing activities. Address: John Carpenter House, 7 Carmelite Street, London EC4Y OAN.
28 October 2009, received payment of £3000 net (£5000 gross). Covers period August-October 2009. Hours: 120 hrs. (Registered 12 January 2010)
28 January 2010, received payment of £3000 net (£5000 gross). Covers period November-December 2009 to 28 January 2010. Hours: 120 hrs. (Registered 6 February 2010)
27 April 2010, received payment of £3000 net (£5000 gross). Covers period February 2010 to 28 April 2010. Hours: 120 hrs. (Registered 23 June 2010)
8. Land and Property
Property in Italy, from which rental income is received.
9. Registrable shareholdings
(a) TransTec PLC; specialised engineers (in liquidation).
11. Miscellaneous
Close members of my family (all over 18 years old) have an interest in the Robinson Family No. 2 Trust (administered in Guernsey).
Tesco, Coventry Building Society and Peugeot have made charitable donations solicited by me.