Session 2010-11
Publications on the internet

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 8th November 2010

STEWART, Iain (Milton Keynes South)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Payment of up to £5,000 received (24th May 2010) from Odgers Berndtson, 11 Hanover Square, London. Contract ended on 6th May 2010 and payment relates to the 13 remaining days. Hours: 110hrs.

4. Sponsorships

(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:

Name of donor: Alpalarch Ltd

Address of donor: 161 Chertsey Road, Twickenham TW1 1ER

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000

Donor status: Company

(Registered 4 June 2010 )

Name of donor: Currie Motors Company

Address of donor: 161 Chertsey Road, Twickenham TW1 1ER

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000

Donor status: Company

(Registered 4 June 2010 )

Name of donor: Alan R Bekhov

Address of donor: Private

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,500

Donor status: Individual

(Registered 4 June 2010 )

Name of donor: Roy Peives

Address of donor: Private

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000

Donor status: Individual

(Registered 4 June 2010 )

8. Land and Property

1 Bedroom Flat in Wapping, London E1W for which a rental income is received.