House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 29th November 2011

BRYANT, Chris (Rhondda)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Payments for articles for The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU:

10 June 2010, payment of £285. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 11 October 2010)

13 September 2010, payment of £285. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 11 October 2010)

Payment of £85. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 14 February 2011)

Payment of £85. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 14 February 2011)

Payment of £200. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 11 April 2011)

Payment of £285. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 August 2011)

Payments for articles for Mail on Sunday, Associated Newspapers, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, W8 5TT:

Payment of £1,000. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 31 March 2011)

Payment of £1,000. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 11 April 2011)

Payment of £1,400. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 18 July 2011)

Payments from MGN Limited for articles in the Daily Mirror, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP:

Payment of £300 for article. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 19 July 2011)

Payment of £500 for article. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 30 August 2011)

Payment of £15,375 from Transworld Publishers, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA, as an advance for a book to be published in 2014. (Registered 18 July 2011)

Payments from The Independent, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT:

Payment of £5,833.34. Hours: 20 hrs. (Registered 26 October 2011)

Payment of £2,916.67 for a weekly column. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 28 November 2011)

4. Sponsorships

(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:

Fundraising dinner held by the Rhondda Labour Party which raised £6,964, including the following donation: (Registered 18 July 2011)

Name of donor: Craig Fraser

Address of donor: private

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,450

Donor status: individual

(Registered 18 July 2011)

6. Overseas visits

Name of donor: EU Russia Centre

Address of donor: 22-24 Rue de Luxembourg, B-1060 Brussels, Belgium

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,500

Destination of visit: Moscow

Date of visit: 19-21 September 2010

Purpose of visit: to visit a series of human rights organisations and witness the trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev

(Registered 26 October 2010)

7. Overseas benefits and gifts

Name of donor: Vanity Fair,

Address of donor : Condé Nast, New York

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets for charity fundraising dinner for the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation, Combatting Childhood Cancer Charity; total value £3,000

Date of receipt of donation: 22 September 2011

Date of acceptance of donation: 22 September 2011

Donor status: company

(Registered 26 October 2011)

8. Land and Property

Residential property in London from which rental income is received.

Prepared 8th December 2011