House of Commons
Session 2010-12
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 30th January 2012
HENDRICK, Mark (Preston)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor (1) London South Bank University; (2) Hanban; (3) Huawei
Address of donor (1) 90 London Road, London SE1 6LN; (2) 129 Deshengmenwai St, Xicheng District, Beijing; (3) 15/F Xinsheng Tower, 5 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) £2,330 for a return flight to Beijing; (2) £1,628 for Chinese language training, accommodation at the Beijing Foreign Studies University and general expenses; (3) £733 for two tickets and hospitality for the Italian Super Cup Final at the Beijing Birds Nest Stadium on 6 August 2011
Destination of visit: Beijing
Date of visit: 29 July to 26 August 2011
Purpose of visit: Visit to Beijing, China, as chairman of the All Party Parliamentary China Group to attend a Chinese language course and to improve communication skills; to meet with representatives of the Hanban and Chinese Central Television to discuss the communication and promotion of Chinese language and culture; and to visit the Beijing office of Huawei to discuss their latest developments in communications technologies, including Cloud mobile telephones and Cloud computing systems. (Registered 6 September 2011 )
Name of donor: All Party Parliamentary Group for Vietnam, using funds from sponsors that have been previously declared in 2009, including the University of Central Lancashire and Premier Oil. Some other funding and hospitality was provided by non-registrable sources.
Address of donor: All Party Parliamentary Group for Vietnam, House of Commons
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,350 to cover the cost of economy international flights, hotels and internal flights for myself and my wife, who worked as the administrator for the delegation throughout the trip.
Destination of visit: Vietnam
Date of visit: 17-24 September 2011
Purpose of visit: to meet with members of the Vietnamese government, National assembly, British businesses and civil society organizations in order to deepen the relationship between the two countries and explore new opportunities for British businesses at a time when Vietnam continues to develop at a rapid pace.
(Registered 12 October 2011)
Name of donor:
1. All Party Parliamentary China Group, sponsored by GKN plc, City of London, London Export Corporation (LEC), John Swire & Sons, GlaxoSmithKline, Astra Zeneca, Arup, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, HSBC.
2. Virgin Atlantic
Address of donor:
1. c/o Great Britain China Centre, 15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS
2. Customer Relations, PO Box 747, Dunstable LU6 9AH
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value):
1. £2,654.48, return flights to China, internal travel in China, accommodation and meals. I also received some meals and hospitality provided locally.
2. £2,680, out and return upgrade for me and upgrade for my spouse on return journey from Shanghai to London.
Destination of visit: China; Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu
Date of visit: 16 December 2011-2 January 2012
Purpose of visit: to maintain and strengthen relations between Parliament and the National People’s Congress of China; to learn about and support British businesses operating in China; and to deepen the knowledge and understanding of parliamentarians of China.
(Registered 5 January 2012)