House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 1st October 2012

MILLS, Nigel (Amber Valley)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

29 November 2011, received payment of £150 from Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY, for opinion research. Hours: 1 hr. Payment donated to my constituency party. (Registered 8 December 2011)

24 January 2012, received payment of £75 from CommunicateResearch Ltd, Coveham House, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 3EP for opinion research. Hours: 30 mins. Payment donated to my constituency party. (Registered 24 January 2012)

6. Overseas visits

Name of donor: Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

Address of donor: Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, London SW15 2BS

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): VSO funded flights costing £680 and accommodation including hotels and in a private house. The value of the hotel stays was approximately £200. VSO also provided meals and a per diem allowance totalling approximately £250; total £1,130

Destination of visit: Tajikistan

Date of visit: 21 September-6 October 2011

Purpose of visit: VSO Parliamentary Volunteer Scheme, visiting Tajikistan to consider potential reforms that could help increase investment.

(Registered 21 October 2011)

Name of donor:  Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

Address of donor:  Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, London SW15 2BS

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,558, for flights costing £1078, visa costing £80 and accommodation including hotels and in a private house.  The value of the hotel stays was approximately £150.  VSO also provided meals and a per diem allowance totalling approximately £250.

Destination of visit: Tajikistan

Date of visit: 18 July- 2 August 2012

Purpose of visit: VSO Parliamentary Volunteer Scheme, visiting Tajikistan to consider potential reforms that could help increase investment

(Registered 6 August 2012)

8. Land and Property

Residential property in Nottingham, from which rental income is received.

11. Miscellaneous

Elected councillor on Amber Valley Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley DE5 3FG. I ceased claiming an allowance from 6 May 2010, and ceased to be a Councillor in March 2011. (Registered 8 December 2011)

Prepared 3rd October 2012