House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 9th September 2013

ABBOTT, Diane (Hackney North and Stoke Newington)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Articles written for The Guardian. Address: Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.

Payments from Places for People Individual Support, 4 the Pavilions, Portway, Preston PR2 2YB:

7 November 2012, payment of £1,500 as first part of fee for speaking at ‘Places for People’ Annual Conference. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 19 November 2012)

18 February 2013, payment of £1,500 as second part of fee for speaking at ‘Places for People’ Annual Conference. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 18 February 2013)

12 November 2012, fee of £200 for speaking at Understanding Modern Government public policy conference. Address of payer: GovNet Communications, St James Building, Oxford St, Manchester M1 6PP. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 5 December 2012)

18 December 2012, fee of £300 for speaking at National Obesity Forum Annual Conference in London on 28 November 2012. Address of payer: SB Communications Group, 1.03 Enterprise House, 1-2 Hatfields, London SE1 9PG. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 21 December 2012)

January 2013, fee of £600 for taking part in BBC Two University Challenge TV programme. Address of payer: Granada ITV Studios, 4th Floor, Manchester M60 9EA. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 4 February 2013)

18 May 2013, fee of £1,000 as VIP guest speaker at Manchester Metropolitan University Education Conference. Address of payer: Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6 BH. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 21 May 2013)

5 June 2013, fee of £500 as guest on 10 O’Clock Live Series 3. Address of payer: Endemol UK, Shepherds Building Central, Charecroft Way, London W14 OEE. Hours: 5 hrs. (Registered 5 June 2013)

17 June 2013, I received a fee of £1,000 for speaking at a conference entitled "Emerging Democracies in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities" organized by the Nigerian National Institute for Legislative Studies. Hours: 8 hrs. The cost of my flights, transfers and hotel accommodation in Abuja from 15-18 June 2013 were also met; estimated value £1,500. Address of payer: MRL Public Sector Consultants, Pepple House, 8 Broad Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6HJ. (Registered 28 June 2013)

6. Overseas visits

Name of donor: Venezuelan National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional Electoral)

Address of donor: Centro Simon Bolivar, Edificio Sede del Consejo Nacional Electoral, Frente a la Plaza Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,967.90

Destination of visit: Caracas, Venezuela

Date of visit: 4-9 October 2012

Purpose of visit: to witness the Venezuelan Presidential election 2012 at the invitation of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council

(Registered 29 October 2012)

7. Overseas benefits and gifts

See my entry in Category 2.

Name of donor: Cartan Tours Inc,

Address of donor : 1334 Parkview Ave Suite 200, Manhattan Beach CA 90266.

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets for Olympics athletics event on 5 August 2012; total value £840

Date of receipt of donation: 28 July 2012

Date of acceptance of donation: 28 July 2012

Donor status: company registered in US

(Registered 16 August; updated 10 September 2012)

11. Miscellaneous

I received the following benefits and hospitality at the London 2012 Olympics, all below the registrable threshold:

25 July 2012, attendance at rehearsal of the opening ceremony, followed by drinks and dinner; 29 July 2012, ticket to enter the Olympic Park, value £10; 31 July 2012, two tickets for swimming event, value £590; all provided by LOCOG, One Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LN.

10 August 2012, two tickets for hockey event, value £130; provided by British Olympic Association/NGB, 60 Charlotte Street, London W1T 2NU, value £65.

(Registered 16 August 2012; updated 10 September 2012)

Prepared 13th September 2013