House of Commons
Session 2013-14
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 9th September 2013
HAMMOND, Stephen (Wimbledon)
1. Remunerated directorships
Until 30 November 2012, Chairman of Democracy Forum Ltd, 34 South Molton Street, London W1K 5RG; a not-for-profit organisation promoting peace and democracy. Remuneration: £12,000 per annum. Now an unremunerated patron.
Payment of £1,000 for July 2012. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
Payment of £1,000 for August 2012. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
Payment of £1,000 for September 2012. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
Payment of £1,000 for October 2012. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 3 December 2012)
Payment of £1,000 for November 2012. Hours: 7.5 hrs. (Registered 3 December 2012)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Re-appointed from 1 July 2010 as Parliamentary Consultant to Professional Contractors Group Ltd . Address: Heathrow Boulevard, 280 Bath Road, Sipson, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0DQ (£15,001-£20,000). I resigned with immediate effect on 4 September 2012.
Payment of £4,500 for period April-June 2012. Hours: 10-12 hours per month. (Registered 6 November 2012)
One payment of £3,000 for period July and August 2012. Hours: 15 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
Parliamentary consultant to Confederation of Passenger Transport UK, Drury House 34-43 Russell Street London WC2B 5HA (£25,000-£30,000). I resigned with immediate effect on 4 September 2012.
July 2012, payment of £2,500. Hours: 10-12 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
August 2012, payment of £2,500. Hours: 10-12 hrs. (Registered 24 October 2012)
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
My wife and I are guests of the All England Tennis Club in the Royal Box for one day during the Championships.
9. Registrable shareholdings
(a) Peal Gas Ltd; Delaware Registered Company, fiscal domicile Portugal which owns my holiday home.
11. Miscellaneous
I have an investment in two holdings in the Harwood Film Partnership
Late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 19 March 2013. See paragraph 108 of the Guide to the Rules.
Late entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 19 March 2013. See paragraph 108 of the Guide to the Rules.