House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 9th September 2013

O’BRIEN, Stephen (Eddisbury)

1. Directorships

In full and final settlement of outstanding consulting fees and as Chairman and non-executive director of 3DM Research Ltd (a special purpose vehicle) owed to me for the period 13 December 2007 to 13 May 2010 inclusive (on which date I resigned and ceased all consulting activity on joining the Government), I have agreed to receiving an initial payment followed by 8 equal instalments from Environmental Recycling Technologies Plc (in whose interests all consultancy and board work were undertaken) of Keble House, Church End, South Leigh, Witney, Oxon OX29 6UR on a bi-monthly schedule from 30 June 2012 to 1 September 2013 inclusive, totalling £45,000 gross. 3DM Research Ltd was a not-for-profit related company of ERT Plc. The hours worked were approximately 10-12 hours a month.

Second instalment of £5,000 received on 15 September 2012. (Registered 8 October 2012)

Third instalment of £5,000 received on 5 November 2012. (Registered 12 November 2012)

Fourth instalment of £5,000 received on 14 January 2013. (Registered 15 January 2013)

Fifth instalment of £5,000 received on 13 March 2013. (Registered 19 March 2013)

Sixth instalment of £5,000 received on 13 May 2013. (Registered 22 May 2013)

Seventh instalment of £5,000 received on 12 July 2013. (Registered 7 August 2013)

Eighth and final instalment of £5,000 received on 2 September 2013. (Registered 2 September 2013)

6. Overseas visits

Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership

Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return flights, ground transportation one night’s hotel accommodation and subsistence with a total value of £1,188.79

Destination of visit: Geneva

Date of visit: 16-17 May 2013

Purpose of visit: attending a meeting where I was announced as Roll Back Malaria’s Global Advocate (unremunerated).

(Registered 12 June 2013)

Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership

Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

Amount of donation: return flights; ground transportation and subsistence with a total value of £3,228.98

Destination of visit: New York

Date of visit: 10-11 June 2013

Purpose of visit: attending and addressing the Roll Back Malaria meeting on Malaria in the Post-2015 Development Agenda in my role as their Global Advocate (unremunerated).

(Registered 8 July 2013)

Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership

Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

Amount of donation: return flights, ground transportation, two nights hotel accommodation and subsistence, with a total value of £6,986.38.

Destination of visit: Nigeria

Date of visit: 15-18 July 2013

Purpose of visit: To address a specially arranged session of the Nigerian Parliament on Malaria in my role as the Global Advocate for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (unremunerated) together with a schedule of meetings with other decision makers and politicians.(Registered 7 August 2013)

8. Land and Property

Part share of a house in London. (Registered 12 November 2012)

11. Miscellaneous

Non-practising Solicitor.

Prepared 13th September 2013