House of Commons
Session 2013-14
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 28th October 2013
WIGGIN, Bill (North Herefordshire)
1. Directorships
Non-executive director of Philip T English International Financial Services Ltd, International House, Churchlands, Chipping Warden, Banbury, OX17 1LN. Remuneration of £5,000 a year. (£0-£5,000) Hours: expected to be about 60 hrs a year. (Registered 15 November 2012)
10 April 2013, received £2,500 for six months’ work. Hours: just over 1 hr per week, or approx 30 hrs in total. (Registered 17 April 2013)
Non-executive director of Allpay Limited (from September 2013); payment collection, Fortis et Fides, Whitestone Business park, Whitestone, Hereford HR1 3SE. (Up to £5,000) Four meetings a year; expected hours 1.5 hours each meeting. (Registered 9 September 2013)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Retained by Apex Fund Services Holdings, 83 Victoria St, London SW1H 0HW, to seek new clients for offices run by Apex. Remuneration of $5,000 (approx £3,268) a month for six month contract starting 15 March 2013, plus commission. Hours: expected to be 16 hrs a week. (£35,001-£40,000, before commission).(Registered 17 April 2013)
15 May 2013, payment of £6,497.73 for period 15 March 2013-15 May 2013. Hours: 144 hrs. (Registered 30 May 2013)
20 June 2013, payment of £3,096.12 for period 15 May 2013-15 June 2013. Hours: 64 hrs. (Registered 28 June 2013)
30 August 2013, payment of £6,213.29 for the period 16 June 2013 to 15 August 2013 (Registered 9 October 2013)
30 September 2013, payment of £3,000.62 for the period 16 August 2013 to 15 September 2013 (Registered 9 October 2013)
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Name of donor: British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)
Address of donor : Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HL
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: one day’s shooting and one night’s accommodation at Catton Hall, Derbyshire; total value £852
Date of receipt of donation: 14 December 2012
Date of acceptance of donation: 17 December 2012
Donor status: Registered Industrial and Provident Society, No 28488R
(Registered 17 December 2012)
8. Land and Property
Agricultural land in Herefordshire, near to my home. (Registered 4 July 2013)